Lymphography Staci Colas
Lymphatic System Lymphatic System Thymus Gland Thymus Gland Lymph Vessels Lymph Vessels Lymph Nodes Lymph Nodes Spleen Spleen Tonsils Tonsils
What does the lymphatic system do for me? Circulation Filtration Purification Production
Pedal Lymphogram Procedure The pateint is injected with an oily blue dye contrast right in between the toes! Prep the feet with sterile technique for “cutdown” procedure, and ask your patient to wiggle their toes. After about 20 minutes the lyphatic vessels pick up the dye and can be seen through the skin. The cutdown is preformed the lymph vessel cannulated time to start the slow pump contrast injection.
Lymphangiograms The pressure injection takes about 45 minutes The pressure injection takes about 45 minutes After 1 hour the first films are taken usually of the lymph vessels the upper body or any area of interest. After 1 hour the first films are taken usually of the lymph vessels the upper body or any area of interest. These first flims are called “Lymphangiograms”! These first flims are called “Lymphangiograms”!
Lymphadenograms 24 hours after the lymphangiograms are taken the patient has to come back to have the films taken of the lymph nodes called “lymphadenograms!”
Uses? Lymphoma staging Lymphoma staging Diagnosis confirmation Diagnosis confirmation Visualization of vessel obstruction Visualization of vessel obstruction Size, shape, location of enlarged nodes Size, shape, location of enlarged nodes Fluoroscopy guided biopsy Fluoroscopy guided biopsy
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