Mississippi Cancer Registry Deirdre B. Rogers, MS Director Mississippi Cancer Registry
MCR Staff Debra Christie, MBA, RHIA, CTR, CCRP Director, Cancer Research and Registry Deirdre Rogers, MS Director, Mississippi Cancer Registry Kathryn Sheppard, RHIA, CTR Cancer Registry Coordinator Donna Gooch Cancer Registry Coordinator
MCR Staff La’Tawnya Roby Cancer Registry Coordinator Carla Triplett, RHIT Cancer Registry Coordinator Kristy Brister, RHIA Cancer Registry Coordinator Ramona Corkern, RHIA, CCS HIM Systems Analyst
MCR History Mississippi Legislature authorized Mississippi State Department of Health to establish a central population-based incidence cancer registry Data collection began January – Program was relocated to the University of Mississippi Medical Center
Reporting Cases Report cases monthly –If you upload your file, please zip the file before uploading –If you enter data directly into HRN and your patient information is automatically filled in for you, please mark the check box next to “Reconcile Hold.” Send corrections on paper. Write “Correction” at the top and highlight the corrected item(s). Do not resend the case electronically
Reportable Cases Refer to your list of reportable cases. Cases diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996 Diagnosed and/or treated at your facility Pathology only cases read by pathologists must be reported (i.e., interpretation for another facility; sent for a second opinion; procedure elsewhere sent to pathology).
Physician cases VAIN III, VIN III, AIN III (Not required by ACoS; Required by NPCR/MCR) Benign and borderline brain tumors (Behavior codes 0 & 1) effective January 1, 2004 Be sure to refer to the list of ambiguous terms when determining if reportable.
Do Not Report History only of cancer cases Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin PIN III CIN III CIS of cervix
Flow of Data through the MCR Data Reported by the Facilities –Hospitals with software – Upload into HRN –Facilities with >25 cases and no software Enter directly into HRN –Facilities with <25 cases – Paper abstracts entered into HRN by MCR staff Data is matched within the system. Multiple reports for a cancer are consolidated. Quality Control is performed on data.
Flow of Data through the MCR Follow-back is conducted on all pathology-only (class 7) cases. Interstate data exchange is conducted biennially. All data matched with the mortality data from MSDH Vital Records. –Vital status, cause of death and date of death recorded. –Follow-up conducted on all cancer deaths with no matching incidence record.
Flow of Data through the MCR Data is submitted to the CDC’s National Program of Cancer Registries in January of each year. Data is analyzed and published.
Other MCR Activities Training and Technical Assistance Audits
Importance of Text Text is the most important part of the record for the MCR We all make mistakes. Text helps correct the mistakes. Record consolidation can be impossible without text. The MCR cannot access the medical records, so we use the text fields in place of a medical record.
Physical Exam Age, sex, race/ethnicity Past medical/social history Symptoms Tumor location and size Palpable lymph nodes Impression (when stated and pertains to cancer diagnosis)
Laboratory Type of lab test/tissue specimen(s) Record both positive and negative findings – positive first Serum and urine electrophoresis, special studies, etc. Tumor markers
Pathology Date(s) of procedure(s) Pathology report number Type of tissue specimen(s) Tumor type and grade (site and histology) Gross tumor size Extent of tumor spread Involvement of surgical margins Number of lymph nodes involved and/or examined Note if path report is a slide review or second opinion Record any additional comments from the pathologist, including differential diagnoses considered and any ruled out or favored.
Scopes, X-rays, and Scans Date of procedure Tumor location Tumor size Types of lymph nodes, if given; number of lymph nodes involved and examined Distant disease or metastasis
Operations Dates and descriptions of biopsies and all other surgical procedures from which staging information was derived. Number of lymph nodes removed and/or examined Size of tumor removed Documentation of residual tumor Evidence of invasion of surrounding area.
Staging Organs involved by direct extension Size of tumor Status of margins Number and sites of positive lymph nodes Site(s) of distant metastasis
Place of Diagnosis Fill in the name of the facility where the patient was diagnosed. If your facility diagnosed the patient, then put your facility’s name in this field.
Primary Site Title and Morphology Title Please do not skip these fields Be specific –Example: Primary Site Title: Rt Lower Lobe Lung Morphology Title: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Remarks Document any information that would be beneficial –Names and contact information of other treating physicians or healthcare facilities –Additional information not stated in the other text fields
Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Hormone, BRM, or Other Therapy Treatment date(s) Where treatment was given Type of treatment Other text, such as, patient discontinued after five cycles or unknown if therapy given
And Finally… Avoid Unknowns (i.e., summary stage, birth date, race, etc.) If you need help, please contact the MCR at