Air-Sea Interaction in NYC: Urbanized Mesoscale Modeling for CB Threats Air-Sea Interaction in NYC: Urbanized Mesoscale Modeling for CB Threats with Alan Blumberg, SIT & Bob Bornstein, SJSU Julie Pullen & Teddy Holt Naval Research Laboratory Monterey, CA 03 UTC 09 UTC 15 UTC 24 UTC
Motivation: Ocean & Urban Impacts Local SST gradients due to urban discharges (such as power plants), river discharges and coastally upwelled water can alter overlying atmosphere (e.g., sea breeze fronts) Local SST gradients due to urban discharges (such as power plants), river discharges and coastally upwelled water can alter overlying atmosphere (e.g., sea breeze fronts) Building morphology and heating effects from urban areas impact the weather and contaminant dispersion Building morphology and heating effects from urban areas impact the weather and contaminant dispersion
Mesoscale Overview COAMPS ® : data-assimilating modeling system COAMPS ® : data-assimilating modeling system 5 nests (36 km to 0.44 km) 5 nests (36 km to 0.44 km) urbanization and time-varying (hourly) realistic SSTs on nests 4 (1.33 km) & 5 (0.44 km) urbanization and time-varying (hourly) realistic SSTs on nests 4 (1.33 km) & 5 (0.44 km) sea breeze forecast (nest 5)
0 h urb (m) NS Lower Manhattan Midtown Staten Island 58.5 km North-South cross-section Building height AGL (km) N S Midtown Manhattan Brooklyn Staten Island Model Configuration nest 1 (36 km) nest 2 (12 km) nest 3 (4 km) nest 4 (1.33 km) nest 5 (0.44 km) Nests 4 & 5 use an urban canopy parametrization and hourly time-varying model- derived SSTs
Observed SST nest 4 (1.33 km) nest 5 (0.444 km) control SST model SST Realistic High-Resolution SSTs
13 UTC July 4 to 12 UTC July 9 Upwelling-favorable Wind Regime Plumb Beach ALSN6 Sandy Hook
Wind speed (m/s)Nmeanstandard dev Plumb Beach observed uses control SST uses model SST Sandy Hook observed uses control SST uses model SST ALSN6 observed uses control SST uses model SST Wind speed (m/s)MBRMSECC Plumb Beach uses control SST uses model SST Sandy Hook uses control SST uses model SST ALSN6 uses control SST uses model SST UTC 4 July - 12 UTC 9 July, 2004 (5 days) Model/Observation Statistics
Modification of Urban Heat Island
Offshore Wind Regime
COAMPS ® NYC Nest 5 (0.444 km) 10-m winds; 2-m air temperature (C) 12-h forecast valid 00 UTC 5 Aug 2004 JFK LGA Winds every 5 th grid point Subset: Winds every grid point JFK LGA ALSN6 NYC Mesoscale Modeling