Lead! Ashley Chong Maggi Vidal Chemistry Honors Lead bullets Early Lead tokens
Lead Lead is a highly toxic metal that was used for many years in our homes. Lead can effect health problems such as behavioral problems, learning disabilities, to seizures and death. Early Lead buttons
Exposure to lead-Who is at risk. People who drink water that flows through lead pipes. Careers such as Smelters, Pottery Makers, or Stained Glass Art Makers. People that eat from imported cans made with lead from other Countries. Cooking with ceramic containers or storing food or beverages in ceramic containers. Some old traditional or folk remedies that require eating or breathing lead. People who live close to communities next to highways or highly industrial cities. Lead Plumb bob
Lead Affecting Human Health Lead is absorbed by our lungs and our digestive tract and enters the bloodstream. From there it is spread to all the different tissues in the body. Excessive amounts of lead in the body can damage the brain, kidneys, nervous system, red blood cells and reproductive system. Effects of Lead exposure can range from small changes in body chemistry and nervous system function at low levels of lead exposure to severe toxic levels or even death. Some effects are reversible if the amount of exposure is reduced, but other effects can be permanent. Lead Plummet
Where to find lead. Soil and dust Food Drinking water Lead Based Paint Occupational Exposure, or hobbies Air 1720 lead coin weightlead coin weight
Effects on Infants Learning disabilities Behavior disorders Slowed growth Impaired hearing Reasons Often children place their fingers in their mouths and suck on objects that may contain lead. Have higher gastrointestinal absorption of lead Have brains that are rapidly developing. Metal Playground
Effect on Adults High Blood Pressure Damage to Central Nervous System Damage to Stomach Damage to Kidneys Lead sinkers and jig