DEFINITION Surveying has to do with the determination of location of points on or near the surface of the earth. It is the art/science by which lines, points, angles, and elevations are measured.
ACCURACY STANDARDS LEVELING =.10 m m = distance in miles
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Neat and Accurate - DO NOT ERASE Can not be used to convey property, but may be used in court for claims Obtain permission of landowner before entering private property
LIABILITY OF A SURVEYOR The Courts Have Ruled That Surveyors in Private Practice are Members of a Learned Profession and May be Held Liable for Incompetent Service Performed
USE OF SURVEYS CONSTRUCTION Layout where structure is to go Verify that it was constructed properly
USE OF SURVEYS QUANTITY DETERMINATIONS Measure distances Determine volumes
TYPES OF SURVEYS BENCH LEVEL Basic system for differential leveling. Used to determine relative elevations of two or more bench marks
TYPES OF SURVEYS PROFILE SURVEY Determination of ground elevations at measured distances along a selected line
TYPES OF SURVEYS CROSS SECTION SURVEY Profile surveys usually taken at right angles to a baseline or reference line
TYPES OF SURVEYS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Survey made to secure data from which a topographic map showing relief of land surface and the location and elevation of objects
PLANNING FOR A SURVEY Take a few minutes to plan Walk over the entire site Determine what information you want Determine locations for TBM’s Determine type survey procedure required Decide how to set up the field notes
Let’s change horses and talk about another part of surveying
EQUIPMENT Many kinds of equipment are available for use in surveying
TAPE A graduated flexible ribbon used for measuring. It may be made of steel or non-metallic materials
CHAINING PINS Steel pins used to temporarily mark the ends of the tape as distances are measured.
PLUMB BOB A pointed metal weight suspended from a string used to project the horizontal location of a point from one elevation to another
LOCKE (Hand) LEVEL A small hand held tube with a spirit level bubble used for rough differences in elevation.
ABNEY LEVEL Similar to a Locke level except it has a graduated arc on the side for reading percent slope
ENGINEER’S LEVEL A telescope with a spirit level level attached which revolves around a vertical axis and is mounted on a tripod. It is used to determine differences in elevation.
LEVEL ROD A graduated rod which used with the level to determine difference in elevation. Can be a single piece or jointed. Normally made of wood of fiberglasss
SURVEYOR’S COMPASS A magnetic compass mounted on a staff and equipped with sight vanes. Used only for determining direction of lines. Used only for rough surveys. Nearly obsolete
RANGE POLE A straight pole of wood or steel painted with alternating banks of red and white which is used as a sighting rod.
ENGINEER’S TRANSIT The universal instrument Measures horizontal and vertical angles Measures distances by stadia Prolongs straight lines May be used for leveling
LASER LEVEL Consists of a transmitter which is normally self leveling and emits a plane of light up to 300 feet or more in any direction and a receiver which indicates when is is centered in the beam of light.
TOTAL STATION Electronic “do it all” piece of survey equipment. Reads horizontal and vertical distances. Uses a data recorder which can be downloaded to a computer for processing survey notes
GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS Uses satellites to determine locations. Depending on quality of equipment used can be very accurate
Now, let’s charge ahead to another topic FIELD NOTES
NOMENCLATURE FSFore Sight BSBack Sight HIHeight of Instrument TPTurning Point RRRod Reading TBMTemporary Bench Mark BMBench Mark (Permanent)
VALUE OF CONCISE ACCURATE, DETAILED, LEGIBLE FIELD NOTES They allow you to produce a model in the office of what you saw in the field Allows others to view the site in detail without going to field Provide basis for detail planning Document actual site conditions
FORMAT FOR FIELD NOTES Neat, legible, not crowded (Field books are cheap !!!!!) Sketches and drawings Explanatory narrative TR-62
HOW DO FIELD NOTES FIT INTO OUR WORK? They are a means to an end. They help get to where we want to go. A vehicle only They allow us to illustrate to others: –Contractors –Landowners –Decision makers
ANY QUESTIONS ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????????