Agriscience, Unit 7a: Investigate careers related to the field of agricultural engineering
Agricultural Mechanics Is defined as the selection, operation, maintenance of power units, machinery, and structures used in agriculture
Technical Education Education varies with the type of agriscience or agricultural mechanics career that a individual chooses, to the include the working conditions
Production Support Agricultural mechanics careers in the production support industry for agriculture may include: * Tractor mechanics * farm machinery assemblers * garden tractor mechanics * machinery assemblers, and * agricultural safety engineers
Horticulture Industry Agricultural mechanics careers in the horticulture industry of agriculture may include: * irrigation engineers, * lawn mower mechanics, * garden tractor repairman, and * agricultural equipment designers
Agricultural processing May include: Electricians: design and wire electrical circuits for agricultural equipment or structures Surveyors: Surveys property lines using engineering equipment (levels, tripods) to survey, layoff terraces or structure sites for construction Heavy equipment operators: Use earth moving machinery or equipment to control erosion on the farm Diesel mechanics: are in a big demand because they are needed to work on diesel powered equipment Builders: are needed to construct or build structures and equipment
Soil Conservationist Is responsible for and overseeing the construction of soil conservation projects that control wind and water erosion problems on farms. Soil conservationists use agricultural mechanics skills to perform their jobs
Machinist Fabricates new parts for farm machinery and equipment
Agricultural Plumber Install or repair water lines in agricultural buildings
Soil Engineer Designs and supervised field, turf, landscape, and golf course irrigation system projects
Agricultural Electrician Wires farm buildings and performs electrical work
Diesel Mechanics Work on diesel farm machinery and equipment Are in demand because of the large amount or number of powered diesel machinery and equipment used in agriculture
Irrigation Engineer Plans and constructs irrigation systems
Land Surveyor Surveys property lines
Garden Tractor Repairman Repairs small engines on outdoor-powered and lawn- garden equipment
Equipment Operator Operates heavy equipment
Agricultural Engineer Designs tractors, combines, cotton pickers, and other farm and ranch equipment
Forester/ logger is responsible for keeping chainsaws and other equipment in safe operating condition
Hardware store employee Locates repairs parts or materials for agricultural tools, equipment, and machines
Welder Repairs broken or cracked metal parts on farm machinery and equipment, and structures
Tools Are be classified according to use
Turning tools Are tools used to turn nuts, bolts, and screws. Examples include: Adjustable wrench Phillips screwdriver Pipe wrench Regular socket Slotted screwdriver Allen wrench Speed handle Torque wrench
Cutting tools Are tools used to cut, chop, saw, or otherwise remove material. Examples include: Bolt tap Cutting torch Hacksaw Portable circular saw Coping saw Glass cutter Compass saw Cold chisel
Layout and measures tools Are tools used to layout or measure. Examples include: Calipers Chalk line reel Tape rule Tree diameter tape Zigzag rule Framing square Combination square Plumb bob Line level Try square
Driving tools Are tools used to move another tool or object. Examples include: Ball peen hammer Nail set Pin punch Sledge hammer Nail hammer Center punch Masonry hammer Rubber mallet
Holding tools Are tools used to grip wood, metal, plastic, and other materials. Examples include: Bar clamp C-clamp Drill press vise Hand screw clamp Vise grip pliers slip joint pliers Groove joint pliers
Adjustable Wrench Used for turning various sized nuts and bolts
Phillips screwdriver Is used to turn Phillips head screws
Pipe wrench Is used to turn and hold pipe
Regular socket Is a general-purpose socket used for turning nuts and bolts
Slotted screwdriver Is used to turn slotted screws
Extension Is used to extend the reach of a socket
Reversible ratchet Is used to reverse the rotation of socket of socket turning
Combination wrench Is used to turn hex and square nuts and bolts
Bolt tap Is used to cut inside threads in order to repairs damages threads on a nut
Cold chisel Is used for cutting metal
Hacksaw Is used for sawing metal
Cutting torch Is used for cutting metal with heat
Portable circular saw Is used for sawing wood in construction projects
Compass saw Is used for cutting wood in close places
Coping saw Is used for cutting curves and irregular cuts
Calipers Are used to get the most accurate diameter measurement of round objects
Chalk line reel Is used to mark straight lines
Tape rule Is used for straight or curved measuring down to 1/16”
Tree diameter tape Is used to measure circumference of a tree
Zigzag or folding rule Is a folding rule used for straight measuring down to 1/16”
Framing or carpenter square Is used for squaring corners and laying out stairs and rafters
Try square Is used for 90 degree squaring of boards
Ball peen hammer Is used for hammering metal
Nail hammer Is used for driving nails
Nail set Is used for countersinking nail heads below the surface of the wood
Pin punch Is used for driving out metal pins
Center punch Is used for starting holes in metal
Sledge hammer Is used for heavy hammering of metal or wood
Mason hammer Is use for chipping and shaping masonry materials
Bar clamp Is used to clamp large sections of wood together
C - clamp Is used for clamping two or more pieces of metal together
Drill press vise Is used to hold stock (wood, plastic or metal) while drilling
Hand screw clamp Is used for clamping wood together
Vise grip pliers Are used for extra firm gripping
Slip joint pliers Can be adjusted to hold various size materials
Different types of Files Chain saw File: is use to sharpen chain saw blades Mill file: use to file metal Triangle file: use in filing saws Round file: filing inside holes
Files Cut only on the forward stroke
Caliper Used to measure the outside or inside diameter of pipe
Handsaws Are of types used to cuts boards Crosscut saw- is used to cut across the grain of wood and has 6 to 8 teeth per inch on the saw blade Rip saw- is used to cut with the grain of on boards and finer teeth that are small
Bolt Die Is a tool use to thread metal rods or bolts
Kerf Opening that remains behind the saw blade
Tape rules Used in the agricultural shop will measure to 1/16th of a inch for agriculture purposes.
Lacquer Thinner Most versatile solvent for dissolving a large number of paint finishing products
Ag Mechanics Careers