GIS: conceptual reminder Franck Theeten – Bart Meganck
Earth’s Grid System Coordinates are usually noted in a Cartesian reference system (with 2 axes, bi-dimensional) X Y
Earth’s Grid System Note: the unit for measurements doesn’t depend from the axes, but from the reference system (it can be degrees, but also meter, X Y
Earth’s Grid System Note: the unit for measurements doesn’t depend from the axes, but from the reference system : – Reference system is combination of – geoid (real earth surface) – Ellipsoid (mathematical approximation of earth volume) – Shape and position of projection plane – Origin of the 2 axes – Unit of measurement (can be degrees or meter)
Latitude and longitude longitude (meridians) latitude (parallels)
the easy part : latitude Determine the angle between a position and the earth axis (plane of the equator) Not affected by earth rotation Can be measured by comparing angles between the soil and the light coming from the Sun
the hard part : longitude Value affected by earth rotation Dependent of time (initially calculated by clocks aligned on local noon) Definition of a reference meridian is not physical but arbitrary – Often linked to political reason and colonial history Currently (since the 19 th century: Greenwich, UK) Before, 15 th century: Meridian of Tordesillas (separation between Portuguese and Spanish colonies)
the hard part : longitude Value affected by earth rotation Dependent of time (initially calculated by clocks aligned on local noon) Definition of a reference meridian is not physical but arbitrary – Often linked to political reason and colonial history Currently (since the 19 th century: Greenwich, UK) Before, 15 th century: Meridian of Tordesillas (separation between Portuguese and Spanish colonies)
Geodesy: measuring earth Old style: physical (plumb line) New style: by satellite
Geodesy: measuring earth Old style: physical (plumb line) New style: by satellite
Physical geodesy Spirit level /plumb line Theodolite (angles) rope/tape measure (distances) ==> LOCAL gravity
Physical geodesy The GEOID : sum object of all local gravity fields (plumb line)
The Geoid Sum of local gravities, VERY complex Not related to altitude
Satellite geodesy Geoid is not used Gravity center of Earth is only point that sattellites can “feel”, they know nothing about Earth's surface Mathematical model for Earth surface : ELLIPSOID
The ELLIPSOID Mathematical model for Earth surface Approximation, never exact ! Not a perfect sphere (1/300 flattening)
Geodetic DATUM A geodetic datum is a physical realization of a coordinate system used for describing point locations Contain ALL parameters for your reference system
Mention the DATUM ! ! ! Mention the DATUM ! ! !
ALWAYS mention the DATUM Coordinates without datum are UTTERLY USELESS !!! Coordinates without datum are UTTERLY MEANINGLESS !!! Coordinates without datum are COMPLETE NONSENSE !!!
Well Known Text notation (WKT) A) coordinates B) Projection Type « POINT(X Y) » Ex : -POINT(0 0) -LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 1 2) -POLYGON (0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 0 0) - … PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM Zone 10N", GEOGCS["NAD83", DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983", SPHEROID["GRS 1980", , ] ], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree", ] ], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1] ]
Well Known Text for projection An important reference: Gives the GDAL expression of some projections that are not embedded by default in tools like QGIS or PostGIS
QGIS: changing the projection settings
Tick this box
QGIS: changing the projection settings Select the projection by categories Select the projection by name
Quantum GIS: define custom projection
Plate Carrée EPSG:4326 is the default projection of many applicatio, data (GPS, Shapefile) for WGS 84 Doesn’t prevent local deformation of distances and areas (North appears bigger than equatorial region) Plate Carrée
Simple Mercator
Simple Mercator/Plate Carrée Conserves angles Distorts surfaces Distortion at the poles
Simple Mercator/Plate Carrée Conserves angles Distorts surfaces Distortion at the poles
Gall-Peeters map type
Conserves surfaces Distorts angles
Universal Transverse Mercator Network of projection arranged by longitude Cylindrical
Universal Transverse Mercator Looks a “disco ball” (select small rectangular areas to limit deformation of areas, distances and angles to minimal)
UTM Zones
Interest: unit is meter (distance are easy to express) But each zone has its own local origin (not bound to the equator) Most of time cannot be applied on world scale layers
UTM Zones Transerve
UTM Data Pretty much use for Raster data – elevation data (SRTM) – – database-v4-1 database-v4-1 – Climatic data – Processed satellite images (LANDSAT) –
Type of data
Types of data for GIS Vector data Raster data
Vector data Vector layer: – Mathematical expression of a geographical shape points, lines, surfaces – Easy to reproject (parameter of equation) – Already georeferenced – ESRI Shapefile most common data standard for shapefiles
Vector data (shapefile) A shapefile: – Elaborated by ESRI but widely used at least 3 (or event better 4) files with the same name but different extensions that must be out in the same folder
Vector data (shapefile) ***.shp => the shape (drawn form) ***.dbf => attribute table (editable in spreadsheet) ***.shx=>intermediate index ***.prj=> Metadata of the projection (WKT format)
Raster data Image file or grid used to display matricial data Need georefencing project Hard to reproject QGIS can reproject them Most common standard for Images Altitude data (DEM: Digital Elemevation model: ) Climatic data
Types of GIS application
1) Desktop GIS Can produce, update verctor and raster data Can work without Internet connection Required to procude the base data (backbone of GIS) Example: – QuantumGIS, Diva-GIS (free) – MapInfo, ESRI ArcINFO (commercial) – …
1) Desktop GIS Can produce, update verctor and raster data Can work without Internet connection Required to procude the base data (backbone of GIS) Can not publish data on the Internet Generally poor metadata support Example: – QuantumGIS, Diva-GIS (free) – MapInfo, ESRI ArcINFO (commercial) – …
2) GIS database Relational databases with plugins to handle geographical data No Graphical interface (but Desktop GIS can connect them and display content) Originally worked on vectors, but soince recently can handle rasters and 3-D data Powerful to store and modify big vector datasets Useful to store maps displayed on the Internet
2) GIS database Example: – PostGIS (GIS plug-in of the OpenSource PostgreSQL database)
3) GIS web services Services to displayus the maps on the Internet application Standardized by Open Geospatial Consortium (a.o. Web Map Server: map are queried via the URL) Data are often stored in GIS databases At this level data can easily be completed by metadata
3) GIS web services Example: – GeoServer (Open source): map server – GeoNetwork (OpenSpource, created by FAO): metadata server
3) GIS web services Example: – GeoServer (Open source): map server – GeoNetwork (OpenSpource, created by FAO): metadata server – OpenLayers: Javascript library to integrate maps in web pages
Client on the Internet Server Scientist computer 3) Typical architecture for Web GIS Maps and data Database and query engines Maps and search interfaces
Client on the Internet Server Scientist computer 3) Typical architecture for Web GIS Shapefile or rasters HTTP server (often Tomcat for Java) Map server (GeoServer) Metadata server (Geonetwork) Web page with Javascript client (OpenLayers) GIS database (PostGIS) Imported (QGIS, OGR, GDAL)