Youth Calculator School Program City of Edmonton – Office of Environment
Session Outline Introductions Carbon Footprint The Youth Footprint Calculator Being Part of the Solution – Save Energy
What is a Carbon Footprint? The amount of greenhouse gases produced by an individual, group, event, etc.
What is a greenhouse gas?
What happens if there is more greenhouse gases?
A little about Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide is one of the gases in the atmosphere that traps the heat from the sun Humans produce carbon dioxide by…
Why do we need to know?
In Alberta
Electricity What would you do without electricity? How do we measure electricity use?
Can we use less electricity Take action that uses less electricity Use things that need less electricity
Lightbulbs Incandescent – 60w CFL – 13w LED – 8w
What is a Watt?
Youth Footprint Calculators City of Edmonton environmental programs Footprint Calculator (Youth) tprint_calculator Footprint Calculator (Adult & Youth) – City of Calgary
Tonnes of CO 2 On average, one tree can capture tonnes of CO 2 /year. How many trees would it take to capture 1 tonne of CO 2 /year?
How many trees? 98
For one class, for one year For one class of 25 students, who produce 7 tonnes of CO 2 /year, it would take 17,150 trees to remove all the CO 2 and store it every year. If everyone in Edmonton produced 7 tonnes of CO 2 /year, it would take 536,753,154 trees to remove all the CO2 and store it every year. And that doesn’t count for factories and businesses, and things like schools and swimming pools.
BE Part of the Solution 5 minutes of idling per day = 0.1 tonnes of CO 2 per year That equals 10 trees for each 5 minutes per day.
What’s true for the car is true for you The best way to warm up is by moving/driving. Sitting still is harder on you than moving. Eating (using a block heater) is best done before you run around.
BE Part of the Solution Save Energy Pick one thing – make a difference Challenge another school Tell someone about it Participate in Arbour Day (May) or-day-in-edmonton.aspx or-day-in-edmonton.aspx Participate in Environment Week (June)
EARTH HOUR Last Saturday of March 8:30 – 9:30 pm Turn the lights out to show your support Register at