Subject: BiologyTopic: Hypothesis CE FootPrints Teacher: ParksDate: --/--/-- ActivityTimeDescription of Activities 1. OpeningFirst 10 minute s Use this opportunity to wait for all students to come into class. Students will unscramble the order of the scientific method. The teacher will explain the correct order and then proceed into giving an example of a real life problem using the scientific method. 2. Work Period: Teacher Input/ Guided Practice Solo Time/ Pair/Group 40 min. (Formative assessment) Teachers will make sure that all students are on task as the students are read the directions for the Foot Prints Cougar Enrichment activity. The activity is on a powerpoint so all students can easily read the directions and answer questions concerning the pictures shown. Students will write their answers on paper and the teacher give feedback on answers by checking papers or by asking students to give answer to class. Students will have 3 scenarios to answer and give a hypothesis for. 3. Closing: (Student Centered) 5 minsThe teacher will explain the possible answers to the scenarios. Students will explain their final hypothesis of the last scenario. NC Standard Course of Study Objective: Biology NC Standard Course of Study What is it you want students to know and be able to do at the end of your lesson? Know how to use the scientific method for a variety of problems in everyday life. Students will know how to make a hypothesis based on observations. How will you know if they accomplish it? (Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, Student Product?) Students will create a hypothesis (or more) based on an observation. This will be a formative assessment in which the students’ product will be to make inferences and think creatively while using clues.
Lesson Activities and Procedures: ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED A SHEET OF PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Class time begins by completing activity on the Scientific Method. The steps of the scientific method are scrambled (on slide) Students on paper, will place the steps in the correct position. The next slide you will present will have the correct order of steps. Carry on for 10 minutes and as long as students enter the class. Explain the steps using any example that you can come up with. I like the broken Flash Light example. I will tell you about it if you wish. After explaining the steps, START with the lesson on the Foot Prints. Go to the slide that has POSITION 1 on it. ALL positions must be drawn as it appears on the slide! (Explain to Students) Ask the students to make some observations of Position #1 of the footprint puzzle and answer key questions.
Lesson activities and procedures continued…. Show positions #1 and 2: Please Draw Slide #2. Ask students to make observations and inferences about the new information they have been provided. Students will answer key questions. Also, remind students that the hypothesis must be written for this slide. This hypothesis may or may no be different than position 1’s hypothesis. Show positions #1,2, and 3: Students can now work with a partner. Make more observations and inferences. Make a final hypothesis explaining the events of the fossilized footprint pattern.
POSITION 1 Key Questions: (Write question and answer) How many animals were involved? Can you tell anything about the size or nature of these organisms? What kind of organisms are these based on the footprint characteristics? Were all the tracks made at the same time? In what directions did the animals move? WRITE A CORRECT HYPOTHESIS!!!!
POSITION 1 POSITION 2 More Key Questions: Did the animals change their speed and direction? What might have changed the footprint pattern? Did the organisms make the prints simultaneously? Write a Hypothesis based on what you see.
Make a final hypothesis explaining the events of the footprint pattern. DISCUSS the possible explanations for the events. Discuss the environment that was in place at the time of these footprint placements. Use your imagination as to what happened as long as it is possible or true!
EXPLAINATION BY THE TEACHER Hypothesis: A small bird with small feet (Sea Gull) walked over on a beach with a fish. He ate some of the fish and left it there. Afterwards he flew away. Along came a bigger bird with big feet (pelican). He picks up the fish and walks away.