Carbon Footprint Reduction By Colton Wicks
Energy Proof Your Home Use alternative sources of energy such as solar power Replace old windows with new, energy efficient windows Replace incandescent light bulbs with florescent bulbs as they are 75% more efficient
Energy Auditor Hire an energy auditor to find areas of energy loss in your home Get these areas properly insulated or replaced as soon as possible Taking the steps to conserve energy can cut your electricity bill by as much as $600 a year $600 spent on energy can produce about 3 to 6 metric tons of carbon dioxide Home Energy Audits - Magic Touch Mechanical - Arizona
Energy Efficient Appliances When buying home appliances always search for the highest rated energy machines and equipment Always pay attention to the total lifetime cost, including energy The average household will produce over 15 metric tons of carbon dioxide in a year It is important for each household to raise its energy efficiency as much as possible
Electronics Some electronic devices will continue to siphon energy when they are not in use, such as cell phone chargers or computers If you’re going away or not using an item for awhile, unplug it to prevent “vampire” energy loss from electricity usage on standby
Products You Bring Home Bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store The plastic bags provided at a grocery store have their own carbon footprint; the less we use, the less carbon that will be put into the air Pay attention to the packaging used on the products you buy, more packaging means more carbon produced in creating it
If all home or building owners begin to cut down on energy consumption, a small percent of the worlds total CO 2 emissions could be lowered
Reducing your Carbon Footprint by raising your homes energy efficiency will help the environment as well as save you money
Works Cited "Concurring Opinions » Carbon Offsets, Contract, and Complicity." Concurring Opinions. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan "Energy Auditor Jobs, Energy Jobs on" Energy Auditor Jobs, Energy Jobs on N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan Jefferson, Millie, producer, and Weekend America. "15 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint | Consumed | Sustainability Coverage From American Public Media." Sustainability Coverage From American Public Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan magictouchair. " YouTube - Home Energy Audits - Magic Touch Mechanical - Arizona." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan MLA formatting by