CESNET Research Department www.ces.net CEF Networks lighting Stanislav Sima October 18th, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

CESNET Research Department CEF Networks lighting Stanislav Sima October 18th, 2004

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 2 National LambdaRail in USA The first National LambdaRail link was lit in 2003 l Last month, NLR completed the first full East- West phase of deployment, which included links between Denver and Chicago, Atlanta and Jacksonville, and Seattle and Denver. l Phase two, which is expected to be complete by May or June 2005, will cover the southern region of the United States. l Cisco (Pirelli) transmission equipment, 4x10Gbps, expandable

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 3 Crucial Importance l Experts say NLR is the most ambitious networking initiative since two efforts considered crucial to the development and commercialization of the Internet: –the U.S. Department of Defense commissioned the ARPAnet in 1969U.S. Department of DefenseARPAnet –the National Science Foundation worked on NSFnet in the late 1980sNSFnet

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 4 NLR Topology

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 5 Dark fibre connection of NLR users There is still a serious last-mile problem. It's great we have this nationwide infrastructure, but it can only be used if you have the fiber to connect to it. l Internet2 has established the National Research and Education Fiber Company (FiberCo) to help these groups acquire regional fiber.National Research and Education Fiber Company

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 6 Lengths of dark fibres in RENs l More than km in Europe (plus some fibres for GN2 and GN2 testbed) l About km in USA (including National LambdaRail) l About km in Canada l NFF contracted in Australia ….

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 7 GN2 starting position l The second continent-wide CEF network? l … but winner takes the all! l More advanced transmission technology? l More fibre miles than NLR ? l Ability to add dark fibre lines instead of leased services (lambdas) each year? l Transition of NRENs and academic MANs to dark fibres with GN2 support? l Testbed for GN2 dark fibre transmission technology and switching upgrade?

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 8

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 9 GN2 topology l CESNET, Pionier, SANET, Switch, …. are CEF Networks now l Near over Border (NoB) connections of CEF Networks are mostly technically simple, cheap, natural and advantageous (low cost international traffic, local peering,….) l GN2 will be overlaying (the second) dark fibre infrastructure l Should GN2 copy GEANT old IP topology? –Some traditional GN2 lines will be redundant –Delivering of long E2E lambdas will be crucial for NRENs from GN2, not neighbour country connection (Nordunet, SEEnet,…. )

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 10

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 11 SANET transmission devices l Leased dark fibre G.652 l Length of backbone 860 km l Total lenght 1220 km l Catalyst 6509 at POPs l Catalyst 3524 as a signal amplifier l Backbone speed 1 Gbps

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 12 Pionier fibre network Installed fiber PIONIER nodes Fibers+pipes started in 2003 Fibers+pipes planned in 2004/2005 PIONIER nodes planned in 2004/2005

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 13 Pionier transmission devices l Owned dark fibres G.652, G.655 l 10 Gigabit Ethernet Black Diamond 6808 switches l ADVA FSP 3000 Slimline as regenerators l 21 nodes

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 14 AMREJ - Serbia

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 15 AMREJ transmission devices l Leased lines G.652 l Inter-city fiber length km l Catalyst 6509 and 3550 l SEEFIRE: IST3 project proposal for CEF networks deployment in SEE countries

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 16

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 17

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 18

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 19 Lighting of dark fibre: NIL approach l Production lines G.652, 1550 nm, EDFA 189 km Praha – Pardubice GE since May km Brno – Ostrava GE since June km Brno – Ostrava OC-48 in 4 months 2004 l Experimental lines G.652, 1550 nm, EDFA 286 km Praha – Brno GE May 2004 (+Raman) l More wavelengths possible

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 20 NIL tests in laboratory l G.652 fibre spools, EDFA + Raman: 325 km GE 250 km OC km 2x 10 GE 290 km 10 G DWDM l G.655 fibre spools (recently delivered): 302 km 10 G DWDM  lower cost of dispersion compensation on 10 Gbps

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 21 Low costs transmission technology for CEF networks Low cost technology deployment Long NIL (span > 150 km) Pure optical long multi span (span > 150 km) OEO regeneration on PIC Single colour Initially deployed Important now? Multi colour Initially deployed Important now ?

CESNET Research Department Continent-wide Fibre Footprint Colchester October 18th, 2004University of Essex meeting 22 Acknowledgement l Lada Altmanova for dark fibre acquiring l Miroslav Karasek and Jan Radil for lighting of CESNET2 and CzechLight fibres l Comment: presented ideas and opinions are result of our ongoing R&D activities and are opened to improvement