Food and the Environment: How do our food choices affect the planet? Daniel Cohan 2013 Jewish Food Summit, Congregation Brith Shalom
How do our food choices impact Earth?
How can we measure those impacts?
Life Cycle Assessment US EPA
Projected Warming by the 2090’s IPCC, 2007A1B scenario; Relative to
Projected Impacts of Warming 6 IPCC, 2007
Role of Food in Climate Change Overall Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Species
Food and Climate CO 2 (tractors, etc.) Nitrous oxide (fertilizers, etc.) Food Transport Driving Methane (manure, livestock, etc.) Food Production Total U.S. Emissions: 60 tons/household Lesson 1: Bigger carbon footprint from food than from driving Lesson 2: What we eat matters more than how far it travels
U.S. Carbon Footprint of Food
Energy in the Food Chain: The inefficiency of meat
Crops for feed, or for food? Worldwide, 35% of crops for animals In U.S., most grain grown for livestock and ethanol
Carbon footprint of food Lentils Tomatoes Milk Beans Tofu Broccoli Yogurt Nuts Peanut Butter Rice Potatoes Eggs Tuna Chicken Turkey Salmon Pork Cheese Beef Lamb Equivalent car miles driven per 4 oz. food consumed
What if everyone ate like Americans? “Earths” of resources consumed World Wildlife Federation
Food and Water More water is used for agriculture (irrigation) than all other uses combined World water use, 2005
Liters per 500g Liters per pot Liters per burger or steak Liters per liter Liters per 500g Note: For foods typically derived from non-irrigated crops (e.g., coffee), most of the water footprint is natural rainwater. For more on coffee’s footprint, see
Water footprint per ton Total water use
Water Footprint: “Right” choices save 700 gallons by end of lunch Compare foods in right column with left
Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Ecosystems
Growing Fertilizer Use
Ammonium deposition Gulf of Mexico dead zone Fertilizers, livestock are leading causes of…
Take-home Messages What we eat is just as important as what we drive or how we power our homes Climate, water, land, and ecosystems are all impacted by our food choices Simple choices – especially regarding meat – can sharply alter our food footprint
Agriculture Direct Contribution to U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methane (CH 4 ) Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) US EPA, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks:
Fertilizer Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems