Digital Footprint Gena Marker Teacher-Librarian Centennial High School
Photos, s, blogs, chats, etc. Search:, dashboard, Maintain: privacy settings, know who can see what Create: list your skills, experience, interests, academic achievements = positive Be nice!: what would your Grandma say about it? Everything you've ever done on the Internet...
Once it’s posted, you lose it
Your Digital Footprint in the afterlife... Google: Tool called “Inactive Account Manager” Choose data deletion after 3, 6, or 12 months of inactivity Or choose someone else to receive your data Google sends warning to secondary or phone (you give them a contact) before deleting data Facebook: Account can be “memorialized” No settings, friends, or content will be changed FB won’t send birthday reminders or other content about the account All privacy settings remain the same Twitter: Account deactivation by loved one after showing death certificate Verification of person behind Twitter handle needed Account deleted after 30 days deactivated Twitter will also removed photos, if family members request