Sandton 1-3 November Cape Town 29 Nov – 1 Dec 2013
Sustainability is YOUR Responsibility Sustainability is YOUR Responsibility The Green Expo is all about promoting sustainable and eco- friendly lifestyles; Living and working smarter, by raising the consciousness of: – Climate Change and carbon footprint – Energy and water saving – Recycling and waste reduction – Responsible tourism – Organic products – Biodiversity and preservation of species – Efficient and alternative transportation and travel
Sustainability is no longer optional! Huge Opportunities are being created by: Shifting of the public mindset Media hype around climate change Fuel and energy costs Legislation, penalties and carbon taxes Publicity around endangered species Sustainability is profitable
Program Program Speakers Platform Green Movies Friday – Invited trade guests and Event Greening Forum seminar Friday Evening - Awards
The Green Expo is a real opportunity for all businesses or organizations that are involved with /or would like to publicise their efforts in sustainable business practices: Reduction of carbon emissions Energy, water and fuel saving and alternatives. Green Building Sustainable (Eco) Tourism Recycling and recycled materials & products Green Design Organic products and foods Biodiversity and protection of species Exhibitor Proposition
2012 Competition Green House Giveaway 2012 Competition Green House Giveaway
Fashion at the GREEN Expo Fashion at the GREEN Expo
PR & Advertising Value 2012 PR & Advertising Value National Geographic Channels Top Billing Feature Expresso feature TV Interviews Simply Green magazine Odyssey magazine Total PR and advertising value in excess of R8 Million
Carbon Footprint! Carbon Footprint! Exhibitor eco-friendly audit. Purchase of trees to offset footprint. Goody Bags to be from re-cycled materials and re-useable Show guide distributed only to those who want them. We discourage the use of flyers and encourage electronic communications, QR codes and mobile apps Energy saving (CFL and LED) lighting only. Carbon Offset and RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) Tree planting to further reduce carbon footprint. Organic catering and re-usable or recyclable catering equipment
Green Partnerships Green Partnerships The expo will forge partnerships with government bodies and NGO/NPOs dedicated to sustainability issues. The Green Expo has partnered with: Simply Green as Print media partner National Geographic Channel Icologie – to keep us on our own “green” track. Greenpop – to offset CO 2 by planting trees. Also partnered with:
Award winning exhibition organisers! Award winning exhibition organisers! Winners of Best Exhibition in South Africa since 2006 – SABC Education Baba Indaba Top Business Woman of the Year for Gender Empowerment 2009– Three City Events (Pty) Ltd Chairman of the EXSA (Exhibition Association of South Africa 2010 and 2011 Founding members of The Event Greening Forum SA Gold Award for the Most Memorable Event in 2009 for SABC Education Baba Indaba Finalist in 2010 for Most Memorable Event for Kids Indaba Finalist in the 2012 Top Business Woman of the year. Members of:
Exhibitor Opportunities Exhibition space – R1650 per m2 Sponsorship Opportunities Stage sponsor (Talks & Entertainment) Green Movies (Screened throughout the exhibition) Green Art (120m2 of curated art exhibit) Comp Ticket sponsor (40,000 comp tickets distributed)
Join Now! Join Now! Sandton (Convention Centre) 1-3 November 2013 Cape Town (CTICC) 29 Nov -1 Dec Tel : Web :