ESDGC: Carbon Footprints
Put the letters in the right order to form a relevant word: lolbga mangiwr
Examine how global warming happens To examine our own carbon footprint To explore other peoples carbon footprints To produce numerical data to reflect our class’ carbon footprints
Clip – to be added Using the clip and the handout from previous lesson produce a story board showing how global warming occurs
Complete the carbon footprint questionnaire as honestly as possible. Calculate your carbon footprint What were other people’s footprints?
Examine everyone’s carbon footprint Put your information into a Bar chart Remember – Bar Charts need; Titles, Labelled axis and must be drawn correctly with a ruler.
Explain to me in three sentences how you intend to change your habits to reduce your carbon footprint
What is CO2? How does CO2 cause Climate Change? Name three things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.