Laura Czerniewicz September 2012 ACADEMICS’ ONLINE PRESENCE Assessing & shaping your visibility
Still true? On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog Peter Steiner, New Yorker
IDC Report: The 2011 Digital Universe Study: Extracting Value from Chaos, June
What is your digital footprint? What is your digital shadow?
Take control o Digital footprint- the content you create o Digital shadow- content created about you The amount of information that individuals create themselves (digital footprint) is far less than the amount being generated about them (digital shadow)
Consider What do you want your digital footprint to look like? What kind of online presence do you want?
WAYS OF THINKING About online presence
PRESENCE Extent to which you as the scholar are visible to others online PRESENCE Extent to which you as the scholar are visible to others online GROUPS The extent of your engagement with communities GROUPS The extent of your engagement with communities SHARING Extent to which you allow users to exchange and distribute your information SHARING Extent to which you allow users to exchange and distribute your information IDENTITY The extent to which others can identify you online as a scholar IDENTITY The extent to which others can identify you online as a scholar CONNECTIONS The relevance and appeal of your work to others CONNECTIONS The relevance and appeal of your work to others CONVERSATIONS Extent to which others engage with you and you with others CONVERSATIONS Extent to which others engage with you and you with others REPUTATION Your online standing and the extent to which you influence others REPUTATION Your online standing and the extent to which you influence others Building Blocks of the Networked Scholar ADAPTED FROM Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media Jan H. Kietzmann, Kristopher Hermkens, Ian P. McCarthy, Bruno S. Silvestre Business Horizons (2011) 54, 241—251 *Read the article here* The honeycomb of building blocks can be used to assess your level of online connectivity as a scholar. They are not exclusive and neither need all be present. They are constructs that allow us to make sense of different aspects of a networked scholar.
Scholarly primitives & the open researcher “…basic functions common to scholarly activity across disciplines, over time, and independent of theoretical orientation.” John Unsworth. "Scholarly Primitives: What Methods Do Humanities Researchers Have in Common and How Might Our Tools Reflect This?" "Humanities Computing, Formal Methods, Experimental Practice" Symposium, Kings College, London, May 13, ings.5-00/primitives.html ings.5-00/primitives.html DiscoveringAnnotatingComparing ReferringSamplingIllustrating Representing
DiscoveringAnnotatingComparing ReferringSampling Illustrating Representing Compare Resources Take Notes/ Annotate Resources Take Notes/ Annotate Resources Find Research Materials Manage bibliographic information Make a dynamic map Edit images Brainstorm/ generate ideas Blogging Twitter
Sharing – the defining concept o Opening scholarship through sharing o Sharing as multiplying, not dividing o Sharing used to mean exchange, now means exchange AND distribution o Forms of sharing (Latour) Intermediaries transport messages (content, code, meaning) with-out transforming them. Mediators transform, translate, distort, and modify the meaning or the elements they carry Wittel, A (2011) Qualities of Sharing and their Transformations in the Digital Age in International Review of Information Ethics Vol. 15 (09/2011)
The process
ASSESS Assess & monitor your general online presence
Assess & monitor o Regular Google searches o On-going Google alerts of your name o Measure your digital footprint
Analyse the results o How many of the results are relevant? o What types of results come up? Are all of them from your institutions? Publications? Online profiles? o If the results are obviously nothing to do with you, would that be obvious to someone else looking for you? o Consider what you would like to appear
Consider your profile/s o Profiles LinkedIn Facebook? Your institution Google Scholar o Decide on a main profile o Improve and maintain it o Link the others
Social media analytics
Facebook analysis personal-analytics-for-facebook/
Improve your profile Van Schailkwyk, F Profiling academics online Profiling Academics Online: Online Profiling Toolkit
Thanks to Sam Gross My question is “Am I making an impact?”
Broaden impact
Consider What changes would you like to make in your online profile/s? What are your options? What is realistic?
GET YOUR OUTPUTS OUT THERE Maximise the visibility of your work
Go as open as you can o Put journal articles you can online Check out Sherpa Romeo for publisher archiving policies o Archive in repositories In subject portals and aggregators o Publish in open access journals o Open everything – all scholarly output possible (teaching, popular etc)
Open access & increased citations o Open access publishing increases visibility, opportunity for use and possibility of impact o Majority of studies have shown an increase in citations arising from open access Of the 35 studies surveyed, 27 have shown a citations advantage (the % increase ranges from 45% increase to as high as 600%), 4 showing no advantage Swan A (2010) The Open Access Citation Advantage: Studies and Results to Date. Available at / /
Check the self-archiving agreement of existing journal articles
Archive in open access repositories
Use discipline-specific archives
Publish in open access journals
Upload videos & podcasts
Upload presentations south-africa
Make sure your resources are properly curated
Maximise discoverability Take metadata seriously “Well said! "metadata is a love note to the future" talk ne ne
Consider What can you realistically do to get more of your resources online? Do you have funds to pay for help? Is there someone in your university who can assist?
Social bookmarking o The value of social bookmarks Delicious CiteUlike o Useful for you across devices o Builds connections o Consolidates your presence
Example: delicious
Resources & community sites o More than social bookmarking Diigo Mendeley Research Gate
M ENDELEY community
device agnostic
Mendeley analytics
Make your name as a curator
Get on to Twitter
Some Twitter guidelines oGet into a routine oIt is legit to retweet your tweets especially if rephrased oProvide updates from special events oUse hashtags oFollow others / reciprocate oPromote your Twitter profile through your signature, business card, blog posts etc. oBeing careful with Twitter oTweet about each new publication, website update or new blog that the project completes. oAsk for feedback oLink to a URL of publication, presentation, podcast etc oTweet about new developments of interest oRetweet interesting material oUse Twitter for ‘crowd sourcing’ research activities Mollet, A; Moran, D and Dunleavy, P (2011) Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities, LSE Research Online
Blogging as a scholarly activity o Create and write a blog For colleagues, community and/or students o Scholarly blog aggregators Research blogging
All this & more
Thank you