Jack Vetriano, The Singing Butler, 1992
What makes ‘bad’ art ‘bad’? X0 Explain Jack’s process. Is there skill involved in this? A critic described his work as ‘painting by numbers’ how much do you agree or disagree with this statement? Who is wrong – the population of the UK or the Art establishment? Why?
"I'm afraid if you look a thing long enough, it loses all of it's meaning." -Andy Warhol
Tracy Emin, My Bed,
The Critic For a good overview of Art criticism, please check the following link: analysi.htm analysi.htm You may wish to print this out. Description-"What do you see?“ Analysis – “ How did the Artist do it?” Interpretation - "Why did the artist create it and what does it mean?” Judgement- “Is it good?”
You know what? I'm sick of pretending. I went to art school, wrote a dissertation called "The Elevation of Art Through Commerce: An Analysis of Charles Saatchi's Approach to the Machinery of Art Production Using Pierre Bourdieu's Theories of Distinction", have attended art openings at least once a month for the last five years, even ####### purchased pieces of it, but the other night, after attending the opening of the new Tracey Emin retrospective at the Hayward Gallery, I'm finally ready to come out and say it: I just don't think I "get" art. Tracey Emin retrospective
Look at these ##### guys! Just to be clear: They are in the process of spending three minutes looking at a photograph of a woman they don't know sitting on a chair. Can you imagine how quickly they'd be skipping over this photo if it was in their mum's holiday snaps?
I'm like, 99% sure that nobody's ACTUALLY into art and it's just some exclusive club you can only join if you've got more money than interesting things to communicate to the rest of the human species. Just as nobody wanted to be the first one to go up to the Emperor and say "dude, I can see your arsehole", nobody wants to be the one to go up to the lady in the above photograph and say "you are at least 50 years old. What the #### are you doing?"
This video, for the minute that I watched, was literally just what you see in this picture. Tracey riding a fucking horse. What you can't see from this picture is the room full of people staring at this with one hand on their chins and super serious expressions. One girl was even taking notes! Sometimes I wish I possessed the requisite attention span to absorb endless amounts of totally pointless bullshit.
Are you #### kidding me? Just in case you can't tell from the picture, this is a photo of Tracey rubbing money against her vagina. Which people are going to pay money to look at. That's like a Zoolander joke that the writers rejected for being "a bit transparent"
This piece deals with themes of "making kids who have been dragged to the exhibition even more pissed off than they already were by presenting them with something that would be ###### awesome to play on, but that they're not allowed to touch"
After reading Janet's fantastic and thought-provoking piece in the Daily Mail recently about what a travesty it is that the English language has gone from the beauty of Shakespeare to a series of senseless emoticons and hashtags, I was surprised to see her looking at such unskilled art. She must have been researching a piece about the devolution of art from this:thought-provoking piece From This: Raphael, The Entombment, 1507 To This: Stefan Brüggemann, ‘Sometimes I think sometimes I don’t', 2001
Damien Hirst, Three Parrots With Guitar and Jug ( )
The Paradigm Line Draw a line across two pages Make connections between Art and other events – what major events could you add initially? Leave more space for modern Art Include the Artists that we have looked at so far this year.
John Everett MillaisJohn Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents (1849–50)
The Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood resources/glossary/p/pre-raphaelite