My Bed by Tracy Emin Seen in Tate Modern Gallery, London Created 1998 Most recently valued at $1.4 million Contains condoms, a pair of used underwear, bottles of alcohol and many other everyday objects. My Bed - Tracy Emin 2012 Interview
Does emotion influence the value of artwork? Many artists create to express emotion or beliefs. “A physical expression of emotion” Art may be of sentimental or emotional value which cannot be measured.
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci Seen in the Louvre, Paris Painted Most recently priced at over $100 million The painting has 3 different layers of paint, before the present version of the painting was completed.
Why are some pieces worth more than others? Art is worth as much as a person is willing to pay for it. Emotional perception of buyers. Artists spend considerable amounts of time and money on making works. These artists pieces have gone up in value following their death.
Christ by Surdasan Pattnik Seen on Puri Beach, India Created 25 th of December 2008 Never Valued The sculpture took just 14 hours to make and was eventually destroyed.
D EFINITION OF ART Is all art valuable? Art may be valued in terms of its historic, religious or cultural importance In monetary terms all art is not valued equally All art has independent value.
Why does the value of art vary in differing cultures? In other cultures art has differing monetary, emotional and religious values Different cultures may look upon art with opposing viewpoints due to culture Access to social media.
O XFORD E NGLISH DICTIONARY D EFINITION OF ART Art The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Can we truly evaluate the true worth of art?