Every Day Counts! Reducing Chronic Absenteeism “When they don’t come to school….what can you do?” Jane E. Mills, Director Student Services Palm Springs Unified School District February 23, 2015
Where do we begin? Introductions Share one reason that you believe is a root cause for Chronic Absenteeism in your community.
Chronic Absenteeism….changing our paradigm. Blending and Maximizing Resources ◦ Title I Funding - Homeless ◦ Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) ◦ Coordinated Early Intervention Services (CEIS) ◦ General Fund ◦ English Learner Programs and Services ◦ PTO/PTA groups ◦ Local partnerships – Probation, DPSS, Private Non-Profits ◦ Media – Public Service Announcements ◦ Health Services ◦ Mental Health Services
How are you using your resources? How are you using your resources to increase parent engagement and increase attendance?
Palm Springs Unified School District Framework Outreach – Community Liaisons Mentoring – Prevention Specialists Information – Calls, letters, meetings Support – Parenting, Connection to Community Resources
Outreach “Ensure that parents are provided information to monitor the impacts on their children of the schools’ services and programs….. Recommendation 6: “Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long Term English Learners”
Palm Springs Unified School District School/Community Liaison Communicates with parents concerning attendance irregularities; Acts as an advocate for students and parents during hearings and proceedings; Acts as a liaison between school and community; provides information on services available to eligible students and families; Conveys information regarding school and/or district activities and procedures; and refers families to other agencies.
Mentoring Relationships matter. “I need to know someone cares — not just about my homework being turned in, not just about my scores, but about ME and my education.” “Reparable Harm: Fulfilling the Unkept Promise of Educational Opportunity for California’s Long Term English Learners”
Palm Springs Unified School District Prevention Specialist Assists with the instruction of students in substance abuse and intervention education programs; Disseminates information to students, staff and to the community regarding substance abuse awareness and other self defeating behaviors that are barriers to education. Provides support for students experiencing academic and motivational challenges.
Information “Did You Know”…letters Morning Calls AND Afternoon Calls Weekly Chronic Abs. list to schools Weekly monitoring of attendance rates Monthly Community Network meetings
Support Parenting classes Focus on homeless and foster students resources and services Placement meetings for new students coming late in the school year. Re-entry meetings for students coming back from juvenile detention Bullying Reporting System (SPRIGEO)
Ideas for a framework to address Chronic Absenteeism
A thought for the challenging work you do for children and families …. “Keep on going and chances are you will stumble upon something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I’ve never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down.” Mental Floss, M. Gellis