Writing Body Paragraphs
Why are they so hard to write? Greatest chance of getting off topic Has the most amount of requirements Requires the greatest amount of writing
Transitions Stay away from boring traditional transitions such as: Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly… The first/second/third/another reason reason why… Next… In conclusion… And then… Aim for transitions such as (but not limited to): Furthermore… Additionally… Moreover… Subsequently… Therefore… Simultaneously… In conjunction with… In any case…
Examples Don’t list examples—elaborate with supporting details! Show your reader what you’re talking about, don’t just tell them Aim for one example per paragraph Anecdotes (a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of amusing or interesting nature)
Supporting Details Have you ever seen the word ELABORATE on your paper? It’s because you’re not using supporting details! The main purpose of supporting details is to SUPPORT your reason and examples.
Example of an example with supporting details… Prompt: Do you think schools should enforce dress codes? Why or why not? Thesis: Schools should not have uniforms because it doesn’t allow students the freedom to express themselves and it encourages sameness among the population as it doesn’t permit individuality. Reason in Body Paragraph 2: School uniforms encourages sameness among the population as it doesn’t permit individuality. Example: When students are required to wear the standard navy collared shirt and khakis pants, everyone begins to look alike. For instance, when walking down the hallway at school one might confuse their friend with a complete stranger. Imagine how awkward it would feel to put your arm around your alleged “best friend” and come to find out it’s really the new kid that coincidentally is the same height with the same haircut. Unfortunately, uniforms don’t allow students to differentiate themselves from others. It starts with everyone looking the same, but eventually could lead to everyone acting and thinking the same. Now their society has evolved into a cluster of robots roaming school, dressing the way they were told and not thinking for themselves.
What do YOU think? My first reason for thinking that TV can be harmful to young children is that they will become couch potatoes. They will begin to watch TV all the time. They will never get outside or play sports. Eventually, they could even get fat. There are a lot of other things kids could do. To be more productive. This is only one reason why I think TV is bad. Poll #1
How about now? To begin, large amounts of TV puts young children at a high risk for obesity. It only takes thirty days to make a habit, and if kids watch TV too much, chances are they will become addicted to it. Once they are addicted to TV, it could lead to other addictions like drugs. My brother used to be addicted to drugs and it tore our family apart. My family was so miserable and it took years for him to get out of it. Addiction is a horrible thing.
Now? Although TV may seem like a harmless way for children to spend their time, it should require censorship at all times. If TV is left unsupervised, children can stumble upon channels that may otherwise be inappropriate. Personally, I wouldn’t want my 7 year old to be witnessing a brutal death on FX’s hit show, Sons of Anarchy. Not only are some of the scenes disturbing, but the language is crude, and the content is clearly not suitable for younger viewers. Regardless if some cable providers allow for parental controls, kids are smart and will finagle their way around almost anything. Poll #2
Your Turn Step 1: Using your introduction and thesis from last class, write your first body paragraph. Be sure to include examples and supporting details! Step 2: Trade papers with two different people and offer feedback (constructive or complimentary). Step 3: Repeat