Hansel and Gretel An Opera by Engelbert Humperdinck
Synopsis A synopsis is a brief summary of the plot of a story If you had to sum up the story of “Hansel and Gretel”, what would you say?
Setting/Where/When Setting- The Black Forest Where- Southwest Germany When- 19 th Century
Characters Hansel Gretel Mother Father Witch Angel Dew Fairy Sandman
Problem Hansel and Gretel are punished and sent into the woods where an evil witch lives that bakes children into gingerbread!
Action Father and Mother go off in the forest to look for Hansel and Gretel
Solution Hansel and Gretel escape doom by shoving the evil witch into the oven, and baking her!
PLOT- Act 1 Hansel and Gretel are caught dancing and singing by their mother As a punishment, they must go to the woods to collect berries Father is terrified and angry when he tells mother of a witch that lives in the woods who bakes children into gingerbread to eat!
PLOT- Act 2 Hansel and Gretel lose their way in the forest as night falls The Sandman, and Angels appear to protect them from harm as they sleep The Dew Fairy awakens them in the morning when they stumble upon a Gingerbread house!
PLOT- Act 3 Hansel and Gretel begin to eat the Gingerbread house that belongs to the witch! The witch feeds the children to fatten them up, and puts Hansel in a cage Hansel and Gretel escape and push the witch into the oven to bake her! Father and Mother are reunited with the children