Singing greetings with bass xylophone Do – Re – Mi – Sol – La
I will be selecting the October 2010 Music Student of the Month this week. Make Good Choices
Music Students of the Month: You will receive: Free computer time (10 minutes) Treats 2 tiger bills Hand lotion Privileged seating / Teacher Assistant More chances to win the iPod nano
Music Vocabulary Pentatonic Scale - A five-note scale. Example: Do-Re-Mi-Sol-La
1. Took my horse an’ come down, Hill an’ gully. But my horse done stumble down, Hill an’ gully. An’ the nighttime come an’ tumble down Hill an’ gully. (Refrain) 2. Oh, the moon shine bright down, Hill an’ gully. Ain’t no place to hide in down, Hill an’ gully. An’ a zombie come a-ridin’ down, Hill an’ gully. (Refrain) 3. Oh, my knees they shake down Hill an’ gully. An’ my heart starts quakin’ down, Hill an’ gully. Ain’t nobody going to get me down, Hill an’ gully. (Refrain) 4.That’s the last I set down, Hill an’ gully. Pray the Lord don’ let me down, Hill an’ gully. An’ I run till daylight breakin’ down, Hill an’ gully. (Refrain) Play the song “Hill an’ Gully” Refrain: Hill an’ Gully rider, Hill an’ Gully. Hill an’ Gully rider, Hill an’ Gully.
Identify the notation for the Hill an’ Gully song.
The patterns are: Lines 8 and 7
Students will take turns to create four-motive patterns. The rest of the class will identify the sequence.
What is the lowest solfa note used in the song “Great Big House”?
Answer: do
What are the other notes used in the song?
In this case, do is in the first space but it could be written anywhere on the staff, as usual.
Penta- means “five” tone or tonic means “note”
2 nd Grade
Singing greetings with bass xylophone Do – Re – Mi – Sol – La
I will be selecting the October 2010 Music Student of the Month this week. Make Good Choices
September 2010 Music Students of the Month: You will receive: Free computer time (10 minutes) Treats 2 tiger bills Hand lotion Privileged seating / Teacher Assistant More chances to win the iPod Nano
Why is it important to be a friend?
To share To listen To be helpful To help everyone feel important
Listen to the recording “Best Friends”
Paste the scan from “Best Friends”
Play melodic patterns on the xylophone that goes downward (To the left) and upward. (To the right) Use the following notes: E, F#, and G
What are some ways that friendship can grow?
Being honest Trying not to hurt a friend
Listen to the recording “That’s What Friends Are For”
What feelings are expressed in the song?
Look at the melody patterns in the color boxes
Paste the scan from “That’s What Friends Are For”
Play melodic patterns on D, G, A, B using the xylophone and/or metallophone.
Kinder and First Grade
Playing the pentatonic scale with bass xylophone Do – Re – Mi – Sol – La
I will be selecting the October 2010 Music Student of the Month this week. Make Good Choices
September 2010 Music Students of the Month: You will receive: Free computer time (10 minutes) Treats 2 tiger bills Hand lotion Privileged seating / Teacher Assistant More chances to win the iPod nano
Poem: Hands on Shoulders Hands on shoulders, hands on knees, Hands behind you, if you please; Touch your shoulders, now your nose, Now your hair and now your toes; Hands up high in the air, Down at your sides; now touch your hair, Hands up high as before, Now clap your hands, one, two, three, and four.
Can you make your hands follow the directions in this poem?
Listen carefully for where the hands move as I play the recording.
My Head and My Shoulders My head and my shoulders, my chest and my middle, My knees and then my toes, O, my knees and then my toes, O.
African Lyrics I kan da ma lon ben si fun ban no ka la ma do lo na ma sua neh ma do lo na ma sua neh
Children of all around the world sing songs about the parts of their bodies.
Join me in touching the part of the body as it is mentioned in the song. (Play the first verse of the song).
What parts of your body did you touched twice?
Knees and toes
Loud Soft