Quality Juice made from real California fruit X470 Project Management EDP Summer 2011 Team: L 'Spawns Soif Liolios Dino, Konstantinos Singh, Shraddha Polluck,Kendra Achury, Michael Wang, Jing Nguyen, Phi Stanger, Karen Lead
2 Contents Project defines – Mission and Values – Project Statements and Chart Project analysis – Assumptions – Constrains – Stakeholders – Risk analysis Project plans – Deliverables – Milestones – WBS – Time structure – Cost breakdown Monitoring and Control – Communication plan – Responsibility matrix
Mission To produce a healthy, tasty, friendly, economical, and high quality juice – Made of real Californian fruits! Our commitment to the highest standard is the foundation of our business. We stand behind our product. Our mission is to make world a healthier and better place to live. Values L’Spawns as a team, and as individuals, values integrity, honesty, healthiness, and a greener world. These values drive us to achieve our mission
4 Project Mission Statement By January 1 st 2012, L’Spawns will have ready for distribution 10,000 cases of the new Naked product ‘Soif’, a seasonal Juice drink made from 40% California juice – delivered in a trendy re-usable bottle. Project Charter Produce a glass bottle from recycled material that can be reused or traded at vendor locations for immediate discount for Soif flavored juice beverages. Create a new economical juice drink made from local california fruit Create a catchy and appealing label
5 Project Assumptions Budget provided by Naked Production using existing Naked facilities Distribution using existing Naked infrastructure Project Constraints Vendor selections Limiting customer geography New Recyclable Program Introduction
6 Project Scope In Scope: Design and acquire new bottle Develop new fruit drink recipe Design and produce bottle label Produce first batch of 10,000 cases Out of Scope: Distribution Manufacturing Acquiring capital
7 Stakeholders Naked – Sponsor Customers Manufactures Vendors
8 Risks RiskProbabilityImpactResponse Fruit unavailable MediumHigh adjust recipe/flavour of beverage to reflect fruits that are available Production is delayed Medium Find alternate production plant, call in experts to fix production machinery product from small scale production run is not good LowHigh adjust recipe/change fruit blend, add new flavor Juice
Risks RiskProbabilityImpactResponse Not meet FDA requirement LowHigh Schedule earlier, certificated designer Printing is delayed Medium Prepare alternate resource at beginning; ask for process schedule Delivery is delayed Low Ask early delivery for partially finished printing Label
10 Risks Bottle Recyclable Program Acceptance Bottle Manufacturer Materials availability What else Kendra?
11 Deliverables 1) Bottle 2) Juice 3) Label
12 Milestones 1) Bottle and Cap Finalize bottle design selection Vendor selection Prototype Final Bottle and Cap Delivery to Naked 2) Juice Vendor contracts signed Fruit Delivered Small scale production run completed Taste test/focus group completed Regulatory approval signed 3) Label Design file ready (2weeks) Digital printing approval and delivery
13 WBS Quality Fruit Juice Label ContentsBrand Contents related to FDA codes PropertiesPaper Biodegrada ble glue 2”x12.75” Printing Plan Design file Digital printing Package Bottle material Material research RFPCap Material evaluation Prototype design Juice Fruit Vendor selection Choice of seasonal fruits Quality control FDA regulations Taste & Receipee ProductionTrial run Full scale run
14 Gantt Chart I think it would be best to show the bar graphs of maybe the level three activities – because if we show bars for the level two activities – it is just going to be three solid bars going across from start to finish. And if we show level 4+ activities, the chart might start to get too confusing…. What do you think? And, include milestones? Also, should we include a bar for ‘project mgmt activities’ – mainly a small bar at the beginning of the timeline for planning and a small bar at the end of the timeline for close out activities…?? I agree, Dino, maybe a summary Gannt chart of our WBS? -pn
15 Time Structure We need to breakdown timeline and lengths of activities…. Does this need its own slide, or is this information already included in the WBS? Not sure what to add here either, but this is Bottle and cap timelline. -pn
16 Cost Add Big Picture Cost i.e. – estimate cost for the three big deliverables (and we’ll have a more detailed cost breakdown after the WBS – I think is the best way to do it, but not sure…) Kendra would you add something about bottle cost? It’ll give me idea to work off of…-pn
17 Cost Breakdown Detailed cost breakdown of all WBS activities Example format….(? I’m just making this up…could be used for time structure as well, or… combine cost and time??) All 3 teams lack this part. Kendra, can you add some numbers here, I assume to match the WBS stuff I came with….thanks. -pn ActivityTimeCost 1.1Create schedule of seasonal fruit availability 2 daysn/a (labor?) 1.2Focus Groups/taste test 1.2.1Organize2 days 1.2.2Execute1 day$2000
18 Vendor Evaluation Criteria Don’t know what the best format for this is…what do you think? This is the content I came up with for Juice: Cost – looking for best value Quantity – need a vendor that produces large quantities Location – the closer to production plant the better Availability – growers that offer a variety of fruit throughout the year
19 Vendor Evaluation Criteria Selection of Manufacturer Qty: 10,000 cases 16 oz Bottles and Tops Crtieria Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3 WeightAnchor Glass Silver Spur Global Sources Cost (lowest) Quality (best) Delivery (production & delivery) Total Scores , 3, 5 (low, medium, and high)
20 Communication Plan Who to be communicated? What to communicate How to communicate How often to communicate Naked Parent Company Project status /meetingsRegularly CustomersInformation about new product Marketing/advertise ments regularly Fruit VendorsOrdersContractsRegularly to check on orders Manufacturing Dept. Scheduling requirements /meetingsPrior to production date
21 Responsibility Matrix List WBS items Assign a code where appropriate: A – approves, S – supports, C – creates, I – informs, R - reviews PMSponsorJuice Team Bottle Team Label Team Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4
22 Monitoring and Control Don’t know if we need content for this? Do the example projects have something like this I don’t think we need this slide. -pn
23 Anything else? What else are we missing? Anything stand out from the example projects?