Beautiful Attitudes Appetite Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Wonderful news, beautiful news “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.”
Jesus on . . . Righteousness Hunger for . . . . Thirst for . . . Jesus on . . . Righteousness In verses 21–26 we must not only not kill, but more, we must not sustain anger against a brother but seek peace. In verses 27–30 we must not only not commit adultery, but more, we must not look upon a person lustfully.
Jesus on . . . Righteousness In verses 31–32 we should not condone divorce just because there is a legal provision for it in the Old Testament. We should surpass the righteousness that makes peace with hardness of heart, and keep our covenant commitments and not marry those who don't.
Jesus on . . . Righteousness In verses 33–37 we should not only keep our oaths, but more, we should be the kind of people who do not need to take oaths in order to be believed.
Jesus on . . . Righteousness In verse 38–42 we should not only not poke out an eye because one of ours was poked out, but more, we should turn the other cheek and return good for evil. And in verses 43–48 we should not only love our neighbor, but more, we should love our enemy and pray for those who persecute us
Filled with. . . . Our Father, we are so preoccupied at times with ourselves and with this world, Lord, that we fail to be hungry and thirsty in a desperate way for Thy righteousness, and Thy power, and Thy presence in our lives. Lord, give us an insatiable satisfaction, a thirst that cannot be quenched with Christ alone, but more of Christ, and more of Christ, and more of Christ -- until
Filled with. . . . that day when we see Christ, and we are as He is. Lord speak, and help us in the stillness after this meeting not to be preoccupied with those things again of this world, not to be engaged in foolish conversation -- but Lord, for once, help us like the deer that pants after the water brook, that our soul would pant after Thee our God. For Christ's sake, Amen.
So then . . . Be poverty-stricken in spirit (v. 3) Be mourning over our sin and our misery (v. 4) Be meekly accepting criticism without retaliation or defensiveness (v 5) Be pursuing first God’s righteous ways – You will be FULL!