Water and Ecology in English Literature presented by: Katarina Pendo 8b Stella Starčić 8b 2013./14.
Water has always fascinated humankind. The ocean, the waves, the way it flows, the way it is so necessary for life and yet is so deadly. As a result, it has become a prominent symbol in literature, though it is used in many different ways.
Water is often used to symbolize things in literature. Water is a universal symbol of change and is often present at turning points in a story. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. Likewise, water can also represent death (such as dark murky waters). Water can also be up into two categories: fresh water and bad/polluted water. Fresh water can represent good health, and bad water symbolizes bad health. Water can also mean purity and cleansing. It also represents thirst, since people drink water to quench their thirst.
Mark Twain represents water as a boy's dreams, and a future of success. The Mississippi, in The Boys' Ambition, is described so elegantly that there is no doubt it can be everything good. “...the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun...". The river holds beautiful things; shining ships, real adventure. Even the main street in the speaker's little town is called Water Street. The heroes of his life ride the steamboats that puff up and down the banks.
twainquotes My books are water; those of the great geniuses is wine. Everybody drinks water. - Notebook, 1885 High and fine literature is wine, and mine is only water; but everybody likes water. - Letter to William Dean Howells, 15 February 1887
The use of water as a symbol clearly has no set rules. Authors use it in different ways, representing different things, to make different points. All the same, is that not one of the major characteristics of water? It is constantly versatile, and yet it never changes; it gives constant fuel to the fires of imagination. Literature will never be able to do without it, and with all probability, water will symbolize new and unchanging things in the future.
97.2 % of the Earth's water supply is salt water. Only 2.8% is fresh water !!! Water supply=zaliha vode Water Pollution8
9 Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies. (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water pollution=onečišćenje vode
Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities. Plants= biljke Organisms=organizmi Natural biological communities= prirodna biološka staništa
Each year, plastic waste in water and coastal areas kills up to: 100,000 marine mammals, 1 million sea birds, and countless fish. Water Pollution 13
dead animals dead plants harms the ecosystems heat waves climate change/global warming droughts more bugs more diseases Water Pollution14 Continued…..
rise in water from melting glaciers It's harmful for us! asthma heavy breathing cancer Each year about 250,000 people are admitted to hospitals or emergency rooms with pesticide poisoning Water Pollution15
What can WE do ?
YOU CAN Fix your snivel! Don´t leave your tap open while brushing teeth ! Don´t take baths, take showers! Collect and recycle rising water ! Wash vegetable and fruit in a bowl !
Save Water !
You not only save the Earth …
You also save your money !