Chapter 5
Motivation – drive to eat, drink, make friends, etc. Emotion – feelings – fear, hope, love, etc. Hypothalamus Fear, rage, hunger, thirst Amygdala Aggression and Fear
Thought to result from drives If you are thirsty you have a need for water and are driven by the body to look for water Homeostasis Standing (staying) the same We are driven by hunger to eat but once satisfied we stop eating
Hunger What causes hunger? ▪ Stomach growling – when you are hungry your stomach does contract but... People who had the stomach removed still experienced hunger ▪ Blood Sugar – If it’s low then you need to eat ▪ Brain gets messages to say you are hungry and full ▪ As we continue to eat taste receptors shut down and we stop eating
Factors Controlling Weight Theory – heavy people cannot read internal clues accurately that are provided by the hypothalamus Set Points – regulating mechanism in the body that determines what an individual’s weight should be ▪ Set Points can be changed through considerable work
Thirst Human Body is made up of roughly 65 – 70% water We respond to temperature receptors on the tongue which trigger desires for cold drinks in the summer and hot ones in the winter Over time we learn the amount of water we need and when we need extra and how much extra
Psychological need for change Something new, rearrange our rooms, change colors or decorations Curiosity Motive Rush hour traffic – people will slow down to see the most minor accident The more we know about something the more our curiosity increases
Manipulation Motive Drive to handle and use objects in the environment ▪ Monkeys ▪ Manipulate mechanical puzzles for hours with no other reward ▪ Will hold down a switch 60% or more every hour to watch a show on TV
Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation What happens when you factor in rewards to the monkeys? ▪ They lose their incentive to play and focus on the reward Intrinsic comes from within Extrinsic comes from outside When we give rewards we use extrinsic motivation and remove some intrinsic motivation
All Animals must have physical stimulation in order to develop properly Harry Harlow – Contact Comfort ▪ Monkeys were placed in a cage with two fake mothers ▪ One was made of wire and had a bottle where they could feed ▪ The other was covered with a terry cloth but no bottle ▪ A windup teddy bear was placed in the cage frightening the mother Which mother did they run towards for comfort: The one that fed them or the soft one?
Contact Comfort in Humans WWII infants were raised in an institution where there was no personal attention given but they were well fed and looked after WWII infants were raised in a prison nursery where they had constant contact with the mothers Results: 37% of the first group died within a year Without enough rocking and touching the cerebellum does not develop properly which can create permanent emotional and psychical scars
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs – ranks needs into an arrangement ▪ Physiological Needs – Bottom of the pyramid ▪ Hunger and thirst ▪ Safety Needs – 2 nd Block ▪ Shelter and extra money ▪ Belongingness Needs – 3 rd Block ▪ Seek contact and love with one another ▪ Friendships
Maslow – Hierarchy Self-Esteem Needs – 4 th Block ▪ Liking and respecting yourself Self-Actualization Needs – 5 th Block ▪ Ability to put into practice the skills and talents we possess
Most of us are fortunate to have basic needs met on a regular basis so we don’t spend a lot of time dealing with them Need for Affiliation and Approval Have learned to value these goals and to associate them with good feelings or satisfaction Need for Achievement Seems to be a learned behavior First born children are often high achievers than later-born children
We express ourselves in a social and symbolic context We share certain basic emotions Joy, fear, anger, sadness Opponent Process Theory When we experience an intense feeling of some kind we don’t just come back to a normal feeling once it has passed ▪ Example: You have just finished a lengthy final exam that you have been dreading for weeks you don’t feel just ok once its over – you feel ecstatic or you can also feel depressed
Cognition is intimately involved in the emotions we feel We tend to overestimate how much pain something will be because we expect it to hurt Situational Cues help us determine what emotion we should be feeling ▪ If we are in a hurry to get somewhere but obstacles keep being put in our way we tend to get angry
Self – Awareness – knowing what we are feeling and why Managing your feelings Empathy – read what another person is feeling and being sensitive to his or her emotions Having a high IQ is not enough to guarantee success in the real word – you have to have emotional intelligence
Emotions operate in reverse of the way we most of us assume Example: A Snake ▪ Most people believe that we see a snake, feel an emotion, and then run ▪ James-Lange – We see a snake, our bodies respond, we run, and then we feel an emotion
When an emergency is happening the bodily reaction and the emotional system respond at the same time However not true for all cases Car Accident ▪ We respond physically by reflex then your body panics
Subjects were injected with adrenaline One group was told the drug would make them feel high – the other group was told their drug would make them feel angry Subjects were placed in the room to act the way the groups were told their drug would make them act Once the drug started taking effect the groups started acting the way they were told they were going to Theory – We tend to label our behavior and control our feelings in terms of the environment and how others are acting