The Consequences of Social Media: Possible Implications of Social Networking on Young Adults Northern New Mexico College Department of Integrated Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Psychology Emphasis Abstract Hypothesis Theory Introduction Data Collection and Methods Data Analysis and Findings Ethics Conclusions References Acknowledgements This is a one shot case study, utilizing survey methods of data collection. The population of the study was Northern New Mexico College, while the sample was 5 general education classes. In order to test the hypothesis, data was collected through a combination of survey research, and content analysis. Because research design deems the null hypothesis as truth, both the assumption of a negative effect and a positive effect upon an individual’s self-esteem was tested. While a random sample is ideal for research, due to multiple constraints, 52 individuals were asked to participate in a 10-question-questionaire. As per the National Institutes of Health (NIH) all expectations were strongly implemented throughout the research process. All respondents were assured that their responses were voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. Ahn, J. The effect of social network sites on adolescents' social and academic development: Current theories and controversies (2011), Amori Yee Mikami, David E. Szwedo, Joseph P. Allen, Meredyth A. Evans, and Amanda L. Hare Adolescent Peer Relationships and Behavior Problems Predict Young Adults' Communication on Social Networking Websites (2010), (Sara Thomée, Lotta Dellve, Annika Härenstam, and Mats Hagberg, Computer use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults – a prospective cohort study (2010). David E. Szwedo, Amori Yee Mikami, and Joseph P. Allen Social Networking Site Use Predicts Changes in Young Adults’ Psychological Adjustment (2013) Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM, MS, Brandi Swanier, BA, Anna M. Georgiopoulos, MD, Stephanie R. Land, PhD, and Michael J. Fine, MD, MSc Association Between Media Use in Adolescence and Depression in Young Adulthood (2010)p:// Ashwini Nadkarni, M.D. and Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D. Why Do People Use Facebook? (2013) I would like to thank NNMC instructors for allowing their students to be a part of this research. The Student Success Center and staff. As well as all Northern New Mexico College instructors who have contributed to my research and thirst for knowledge. Random sample is the best method of selecting a sample for three reasons: It reduces the risk of bias, increases representativeness, and allows generalizability For the purpose of bringing awareness to individuals about the harm of social media, the data collected was analyzed both in a quantitative- and qualitative manner. All quantitative questions were implemented and measured using a Likert scale. Qualitative data was analyzed and interrupted by the author. This research could prove to be useful in the aiding surrounding young individuals to continue to develop their own positive sense of self, with a positive self-esteem, and possibly prevent mental health issues. Table 2 shows that 27 of 32 respondents reported being on a sports team as a child. Qualitative data analysis reported that 19 of 32 respondents reported that someone made them feel better when discouraged. See Table 3 Table 2 shows that 27 of 32 respondents reported being on a sports team as a child. Qualitative data analysis reported that 19 of 32 respondents reported that someone made them feel better when discouraged. See Table 3 The purpose of this exploratory paper is to review the affects of numerous hours individuals spent on social media networking sites, and how it may affect their self esteem. Based upon analysis of the data, implies support for the study’s hypothesis of, an increase in the hourly use of social media sites by younger individuals. The research was conducted by the author, who has completed an online research ethics course through the National Institute of Health. While there has been an increase of attention surrounding social media, it is the purpose of this paper to highlight the abuse of social media as well as the negative impact it can play on mental health. The exploratory case study conducted, demonstrated the increase in the number of hours and websites young adults are using; which can potentially pose a threat to one’s identity. A recent U.S. national survey found that 87% of individuals between the ages of 18–32 currently go online regularly, and that 60% of individuals in this age group have created a personal profile on a social networking website (Jones & Fox, 2009) This paper put forward the idea that individuals within Northern New Mexico College have a low sense of self-worth and use social networking sites for more than three hours a week. Hypotheses based on this theoretical view was tested as follows: students who identify their self-worth positively will spend little time on a couple social networking sites. Students with a lower sense of self worth will report higher use of social media across multiple times. The exploration of the relationship individuals have with online networking sites is a social-psychological inquiry of empirical behaviorism. The theory of this paper is, young people who hold value with other’s thoughts will be negatively affected by an increased use of social networking sites and media If there is an increase of negative messages, such feedback will only aid in the decrease of an individual’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem The table above, Table 1, is titled, What social media do you use? In the cells across the top row is the theme of how many answers individuals provided. It is the words which were written in response to the question, which were analyzed and recorded. Due to the increase of popularity with common social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, more and more individuals are using social media for longer periods of time. What is implied by the data collected supports the studies hypothesis of an increase of social media sites an individual uses among. With the multiple uses of several media outlets, an individual is spending hours on all of the preferred sites. Chart 3 is also derived from question 5 and 7. Question 5 reads, “Estimate how many hours you spend on social media per day” and question 7 required 5 separate answers in which the respondent would scale certain emotions; the chart above displays respondent’s answers to the variable of Facebook in relation to a positive self-worth from question 7. Chart 2 compares question 5 and 7 from the questionnaire which was provided to each participant. Question 5 reads, “Estimate how many hours you spend on social media per day” and question 7 required 5 separate answers in which the respondent would scale certain emotions; the chart above displays respondent’s answers to the variable of texting in relation to a positive self-worth from question 7. It is the goal of this study to prove to be useful to any reader who may be interested in social media, and the possible affects it may have on the individuals who partake in it. For this sample the data suggested individuals may be negatively affected by the amount of time they are spending on social media websites, or they are unaware if they have been affected by it at all. The key variables in the study were the age, number of hours socializing, and what websites were used. The questions asked were related to the topic of interest and could aid in a replication study. Due to the one shot study the research done was not reliable, although it was valid. The research presented has been interesting to survey due to the fact that it is an exploratory idea, and may gain more popularity through upcoming years. The study conducted, although limited to the area, adds to previous studies in the past due to the ethnicity and location of the current research.