Hydration & Hygiene Laura Schifani
Content Area: Health/Wellness Grade Level: 6th Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to provide the students with information about the importance of hydration and hygiene. Learning Objective: Given the information on the websites and slides, the students will correctly answer each question with 100% accuracy. Content Standard: Standard 2: The student will understand the importance of personal hygiene practices as related to healthy living and Standard 5:The student will understand the relationship of nutrition to healthy living Accomplishment: 2.1 identify and evaluate basic personal hygiene habits and 5.1 explain the relationship of a balanced nutrition program and essential nutrients to appropriate weight, appearance, energy level and total wellness
Hydration Visit this site to explore the advantages of drinking water for the body. Please take notes for a class discussion. http://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking /nutrition/ Hydration is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Staying hydrated helps our bodies with different bodily functions, and aides in staying well throughout each season.
Videos Visit this site to learn about the benefits of staying hydrated during exercise. Please take notes for a class discussion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7- 7RXc3OQr8 Hydration is one of the most important aspects of physical activity. Performing and competing at your best means you must always stay hydrated.
Dehydration Knowing the signs of dehydration is extremely important. During physical activity, it is safe to be aware of the signals your body is sending. Signs of dehydration include: Fatigue Thirst Chills Muscle cramps Throbbing heart
Question What are some foods that provide hydration when consumed? A. Celery B. Tomatoes C. Melons D. All of the above
Answer Correct! All of the foods listed are foods that provide water for the body. These foods can help the body stay hydrated.
Question Which of the following is not a sign of dehydration? A. Muscle cramps B. Thirst C. Slow heart rate D. Fatigue
Answer Correct! A slowing heart rate is not a sign of dehydration. When the heart rate is high and beating fast, athletes are closer to dehydration because of the physical activity performed.
Hygiene Visit these sites to understand the importance of hand washing for healthy hygiene. Please take notes for a class discussion. http://www.cdc.gov/handwashin g/when-how-handwashing.html http://www.cdc.gov/handwashin g/why-handwashing.html Washing your hands is one of the best ways to prevent illness and germs.
Question How long should a person scrub their hands while washing? A. 5 seconds B. 10 seconds C. 15 seconds D. 20 seconds
Answer Correct! You should wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds to eliminate all germs.
Summary You have learned about the importance of hydration and hygiene. Drinking enough water is essential to a healthy lifestyle and preparation for staying physically active. Washing your hands can help you stay well and not spread germs. Both of the ideas we have worked with today insure a lifestyle that is healthy and well.
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