Are Cars Causing Your Water Pollution Problems? Kelly Moran, Ph.D. TDC Environmental, LLC
Water Pollution Sources Associated with Cars WashingGas Oil Maintenance and Repair Waste Fluids Paints Cleaning Solutions Leaks and Spills Tire Wear Exhaust Brake Pads
Copper Tires Zinc Dioxins (trace) PAHs Exhaust Metals, including mercury Dioxins Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Water Pollutants associated with Brake Pads, Tires, and Exhaust
Brake Pad Partnership Study Promises New Insights Steering Committee, Scientific Advisory Team, and Stakeholder Involvement Process Air Deposition Modeling (AER) Watershed Modeling (EPA) Bay Modeling (URS) Final Report Data Assessment Conclusions
Brake Pad Partnership Schedule Technical studies starting now Technical studies complete by 2/06 Information available Sarah Connick, Sustainable Conservation (415) x314 List server for occasional updates