Inspections of dangerous goods and vehicle technic Harold Augustin
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport The start of the project The project was initiated by the working group “heavy enforcement” in 2011 What is the actual situation regarding the technical state of (tank)vehicles? Safety is not only based on the ADR What is the purpose of this project and who are our partners we work with?
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Partners: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate Enforcement Dangerous Goods (ILT) National Police (KLPD) State Service for Road Traffic (RDW) Legal basis: ADR and Road Traffic Act (WVW) Cooperation on the basis of specialism
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Pilot 2011 Started in september vehicles inspected in two days 18 vehicles: infringements (= 49%) ADR 10 infringements (1 x direct danger: open tanklids) Road Traffic Act: 29 infringements (3 x direct danger) - broken shock absorber - ruptured rembooster - dry and cracked brake lines
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Extension roadside checks to the north and west of the Netherlands 107 vehicles inspected 53 vehicles: infringements (50%) ADR: 49 infringements (7 x direct danger) Road Traffic Act: 36 infringements (10 x direct danger) Implementation of the project in 2012
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Technical infringements without direct danger Loose bolts Bridge piece at the height of the coupling plate torned Support air tanks torned Chassis lightly torned Electrically live parts visible and not isolated Crossbar torned
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Damaged tires (deep cracks) Seriously damaged break discs Ruptured brake hoses Unsounded mounted braking system with danger of loosening Chassis torned on several places Torned brake discs Tires without any profile Technical infringements with direct danger
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport
How to proceed in 2013 ? The project is extended to 2 days per month real inspections) Another project (as we call “flag- cargo”) will be extended with technical inspections (12 days) Selection of vehicles based on the the earlier results (companies/countries)
Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport QUESTIONS