SCHEDULING Are you on track to be College/Career Ready?
Graduation Requirements – 24 Credits 4 English 3 Math minimum of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. Must be enrolled in a math course all 4 years 3 Science Integrated Science, Biology, Science Elective 3 Social Studies Survey of Social Studies, World Civilizations, US History 1 Health/PE or NJROTC I 10 Electives – 4 should support the identified Career Pathway on a student’s ILP One CTE introductory course which may also support Career Pathway (Business Principles, CATS leadership dynamics, Digital Literacy, FACS Essentials, Foundations of Technology, Principles of Agriculture Science and Technology)
PROMOTION POLICY To be promoted to Grade 10: Earn 3 total credits by the end of Grade 9 1 of the 3 credits must be a required credit Grade classification is made at the beginning of the school year only and will not be changed. Summer School is NOT guaranteed – work to have a strong second semester!
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY Determined by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) 5 credits (minimum) must be earned by the first day of school of the Sophomore year Weekly grade checks during season Athletes with two (2) or more failing grades will be suspended for 1 week until grades can be shown as passing.
Pre – College Curriculum Meet PCHS minimum graduation requirements Successfully complete 2 Years of same Foreign Language 3 or More Rigorous Electives – from CORE, fine arts, vocational/technical courses above the first year introductory level (does not include Health/PE)
GRADUATION RECOGNITION College Ready-meeting ACT benchmarks Career Ready-Academic and Technical Components With Honors – cumulative GPA of 3.5 or Valedictorian, Salutatorian & Top 10: Highest cumulative GPA Completion of Pre-College Curriculum Minimum ACT Composite of 24 Minimum of 4 AP and/or Early College Dual Credit courses which must include at least (1) course selected from 3 of 4 core areas (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) + (1) additional AP and/or Early College Dual Credit course of your choice.
Band Mixed Chorus Guitar Concert Choir Life Skills Child Development/Advanced Child Development Instrumental Ensemble I Vocal Ensemble I Individual Technique- Instrumental Music Individual Technique-Vocal Music FACS Essentials Early Lifespan Development w/ Middle to Late Lifespan Development
WHAT IS REQUIRED NEXT YEAR? English II Math: Geometry, Honors Geometry, or Honors Algebra II Science: Biology Social Studies: World Civilizations Health and PE/NJROTC I(if not taken this year)
Pre-AP English II Pre-AP Biology (co-requisite: Honors Algebra II) AP European History (co-requisite: Pre-AP English II) ‘B’ average or higher in pre-requisite course required Be mindful of co-requisite course pairings Identify Advanced Placement/Pre-AP course interest on the Pre-AP/AP Course Application Form located on the back of your registration sheet. All students are strongly encouraged to take more rigorous courses. Applications will be reviewed by the respective departments. Summer work required for English and AP Euro KEES Awards: GPA bonus weight for AP coursework, $200 minimum bonus for F/R lunch students scoring 3 or higher on an AP Exam. Request to drop PreAP/AP courses should be made by May 30 th.
CAREER PATHWAYS Exploring – designation until you begin your 3 rd course within a designated pathway Preparatory – successful completion of 2 credits & enrolled in your 3 rd credit within a designated pathway Become eligible to take KOSSA test Completer – successful completion of 4 credits in a designated pathway + high school diploma
NJROTC Arts and Humanities Visual Arts Instrumental Music Vocal Music Family Consumer Science Consumer & Family Management Early Childhood Education Culinary Arts Engineering & Technology Engineering & Technology Design Business & Marketing Education Accounting Administrative Support Business Management Agriculture Agribusiness Horticulture & Plant Science Systems Animal Science Systems
Identify your Career Pathway Refer to Purple Sophomore Curriculum Sheet Select (3) Elective credits & (3) Alternate credits Are there any Pre-Requisites or Co-Requisites? Have I met the course requirements to take the course? How many credits is the class worth? Must register for 7. Full-year classes = 1 credit. Note “PAIRED” semester classes that combine to equal one credit.
Write in English teacher & period Print your name (first & last) Write in your Career Pathway and/or Job Title of interest Indicate Accelerated Options, Science Course and Math Course List Health/PE or NJROTC (if not taken this year) as first elective choice
Select (3) Electives & (3) Alternates (Connected to your Career Pathway): Write course code # Print course title Indicate credit value Must have 3 credits of elective & alternate courses
March 27 th – Last day to change request for next year Only students assigned to a course NOT on their request sheet will be eligible to request a schedule change at schedule pick-up or during first five days of school. Request does not assure a change can or will be made. No Mid-Year or 2 nd semester schedule changes will be made unless initiated by the classroom teacher or recommended by an administrator as a placement change.
List electives & alternates in order of priority Seven (7) full classes = full schedule Alternates must be listed (3 credits) Complete Pre-AP/AP application on back, if you selected a Pre-AP/AP class Complete & return applications (as applicable to you) to the Counseling Office by Friday, February 13th. Do not list courses in jeopardy of failing – Counseling Office will verify credits at the close of the year
Get a parent/guardian signature (plus yours ) on the Registration Form & Pre-AP/AP Application. Talk about your choices with your family Make changes to your draft if necessary Turn in Registration Form to your English teacher by week of Feb. 9 th Insert schedule request in Infinite Campus via Seminar classes Update Course of Study in ILP