Six Essential Requisites for Spiritual Growth Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Presented at the Green Lake Conference Green Lake, WI August 29, 2009 Copyright © 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Six Essential Requisites for Spiritual Growth Dr. Rodney H. Clarken Presented at the Green Lake Conference Green Lake, WI August 29, 2009 Copyright © 2009

Abstract  The Universal House of Justice identified six essential requisites for spiritual growth in a September 1, 1983 message. This presentation takes excerpts from that message and discusses the what, why and how of these requisites to assist us in applying them to our lives. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Background and Context “Europe has suffered so appallingly in past centuries from persecutions and conflicts inspired by religious differences and fanaticism that there has been a revulsion against religion. Many Europeans have become skeptical, scornful of religious practices, and reluctant either to discuss religious subjects or to give credence to the power of faith.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“This turning away from religion has been powerfully reinforced by the growth of materialism, and has produced a combination of physical well-being and spiritual aridity that is having catastrophic results, socially and psychologically, on the population.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“This intellectual and emotional atmosphere creates problems for the Bahá'í community in two ways. Its effect upon a large proportion of the non-Bahá'í population makes it difficult for Bahá'ís to convey the Message to others.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“Its effect upon the Bahá'ís is more subtle, but no less harmful; if not consciously combatted it can lead the believers to neglect those spiritual exercises which are the very fountainhead of their spiritual strength and the nourishment of their souls.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“Bahá'u'lláh has stated quite clearly in His Writings the essential requisites for our spiritual growth, and these are stressed again and again by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in His talks and Tablets…. they represent the path towards the attainment of true spirituality that has been laid down by the Manifestation of God for this age.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“One can summarize them briefly in this way:  1. The recital each day of one of the Obligatory Prayers with pure-hearted devotion.  2. The regular reading of the Sacred Scriptures, specifically at least each morning and evening, with reverence, attention and thought. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

 3. Prayerful meditation on the Teachings, so that we may understand them more deeply, fulfill them more faithfully, and convey them more accurately to others.  4. Striving every day to bring our behavior more into accordance with the high standards that are set forth in the Teachings. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

 5. Teaching the Cause of God.  6. Selfless service in the work of the Cause and in the carrying on of our trade or profession.” © Rodney H Clarken 2009

es·sen·tial (adjective) 1. necessary -of the highest importance for achieving something 2. basic -being the most basic element of feature of something or somebody 3. defining -constituting the property or characteristic of something that makes it what it is © Rodney H Clarken 2009

req·ui·site (noun)  1. something essential -something that is necessary or indispensable © Rodney H Clarken 2009

spiritual (adjective) 1.Of soul -relating to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to material things soul (sol), n. 1. The animating and vital principle in humankind credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion and conceived as forming an immaterial entity distinguished from but temporally coexistent with the body. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Soul: The animating and vital principle in humankind “The soul of man is the sun by which his body is illumined, and from which it draweth its sustenance, and should be so regarded.” (Gleanings from Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 155) “The temple of man is like unto a mirror, his soul is as the sun, and his mental faculties even as the rays that emanate from that source of light.” (Abdu’l-Baha’s Tablet to August Forel, p. 24) © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Soul: credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion  Thought: Knowing(Mind) ThinkingTruth  Action: Willing (Will) DoingJustice  Emotion: Loving (Heart) FeelingUnity © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Soul: an immaterial entity distinguished from but temporally coexistent with the body  The soul lives on when the body dies and is our true identity and reality.  The body is like a horse and the soul is like the rider. The body (horse) should be cared for as it is a vehicle for the soul (rider), but it can not bring us true happiness. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Remembering the Six Essential Requisites: PRISM P rayer R eading I ntegration (of spiritual teachings in our lives) S ervice/ T eaching M editation © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Prayer: What is it?  Supplication, spiritual communion and conversation with God.  Like rain pouring down on plant.  Highest prayer is for the love and will of God.  Obligatory prayers are invested with special power. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why pray?  Not to fulfill desires, but be in accord with God.  Absolutely indispensable to inner spiritual development - cultivates a sense of spirituality.  Draws us nearer to and causes a connection and association with God.  If the prayer is in accord with divine wisdom, it will be answered. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to Pray?  1. The recital each day of one of the Obligatory Prayers with pure-hearted devotion.  With a PHD: Pure-Hearted Devotion or Purity, Humility & Detachment.  In private and free from care, combined with love, meditation, thought and action.  Direct prayers to God through Manifestation, do not make too long. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Meditation: What is it?  Prayer is talking to a higher power; meditation is listening to it.  Speaking with our own spirit, putting questions to it and receiving answers.  Like a mirror, reflects what it is turned to.  Pondering in our hearts the sacred scriptures and tasting their sweetness. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why meditate?  3. Prayerful meditation on the Teachings, so that we may understand them more deeply, fulfill them more faithfully, and convey them more accurately to others.  Meditate on the CUF: To Convey more accurately truth, Understand more deeply, Fulfill more faithfully.  For inspiration and knowledge about unknowns, sciences, arts and inventions. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to meditate?  Bahá'u'lláh has specified no procedures to be followed in meditation.  In privacy.  Use the Greatest Name or scripture.  Guard against ego, idle fancies, vain imaginations, superstitious or foolish ideas.  Turn away from world and towards God. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Reading: What is it? 2. The regular reading of the Sacred Scriptures, specifically at least each morning and evening, with reverence, attention and thought. Regular Reading with a RAT: Reverence -admiration, veneration Attention -concentration, consideration Thought -reflection, contemplation © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why read?  To be endowed with new life, understanding and ability: to better feel, think and act.  To open our hearts, which in reality are the doors of heaven.  To discover pearls of great price, solve problems, be faithful to the Covenant of God and of service to humanity. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to read?  Systematically study using scientific and rational methods, free of prejudice and blind imitation.  With purity of heart, chastity of soul and freedom of spirit.  Every morning and evening with understanding. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Integration: What is it? 4. Striving every day to bring our behavior more into accordance with the high standards that are set forth in the Teachings.  As we strive to integrate the spiritual standards, principles and practices into our daily lives and behavior, transformative forces act upon our souls; purging, purifying and sanctifying them. It is a source of prosperity and develops you morally and spiritually. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why integrate?  To increase our love for, knowledge of and nearness to God.  To achieve greater understanding, meaning, fulfillment, purpose, happiness, joy, power, love, purity, radiance and efficiency of character.  Abiding by spiritual laws and principles, like physical laws, is essential for well- being and happiness. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to integrate?  Turn every stumbling block into a stepping stone.  Make problems and overcoming tests a means for improving character, spiritual development and happiness.  Avoid backbiting, the worst human quality.  Do not dwell on the faults and failings of others; instead discover and root out our own.  Bring yourself to account each day. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Truthfulness Unity Trustworthiness Forbearance Kindliness Sincerity Wisdom Purity Righteousness Justice Courtesy Detachment Selflessness Generosity Humility Compassion Integration of LOVING heart KNOWING mind WILLING will PRISMPRISM © Rodney H Clarken 2009

What is teaching  5. Teaching the Cause of God.  Highest form of service to another soul.  A spiritual process that requires spiritual preparation, qualities and action.  Greatest gift of God  Most meritorious of all deeds. (GWB, p. 278) © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why teach?  Humanity is suffering and seeking a remedy. Those who have it should share it with them.  To build capacity: to teach is to learn  If ye be aware of a certain truth, if ye possess a jewel, of which others are deprived, share it with them in a language of utmost kindness and goodwill. (Gleanings Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 289) © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to teach?  When the will and the desire are strong enough, the means will be found and the way opened. (Shoghi Effendi, Ind. & Teaching, #116)  Before all else, teach your own self.  The intention of the teacher must be pure, his heart independent, his spirit attracted, his thought at peace, his resolution firm, his magnanimity exalted and in the love of God a shining torch. (Abdul-Baha, Tablets of Divine Plan, p. 54) © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Service: What is it?  6. Selfless service in the work of the Cause and in the carrying on of our trade or profession.  The action of helping others (Dictionary).  Service in our work and Cause is a form of prayer and worship.  Noblest deed, greatest blessing and highest righteousness. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Why serve?  The effects of prayer, meditation and reading are not significant unless translated into service.  It is essential to our personal welfare and spiritual growth. It is a magnet that brings success and confirmations.  Service to humanity is service to God. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

How to serve?  Expand our service from serving self, to serving our family, then to community and finally to humanity; guided by a higher power, purpose or cause.  Practice the Golden Rule. Selflessly serve.  With love, pure motives and excellence, to the best of our ability for the greatest good.  Think at all times of rendering service. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

Some general suggestions  Set goals that are short-term, defined, achievable, measurable and rewardable.  Associate with people who support your goals and are like minded.  Make daily effort. Progress little by little, day by day. No pain, no gain.  Treat prayer, meditation and reading like food; integration, service and teaching like exercise. They must be balanced. © Rodney H Clarken 2009

“Effort, activity, unity and constant reliance on the power of Bahá'u'lláh will assuredly overcome all obstacles.” Universal House of Justice, September 1, 1983 © Rodney H Clarken 2009