Managing Transformation Action Plan Presentation
Structure of Presentation Objectives of the Program Tools Adopted What we learnt What we will practice What results we will bring about What support we seek
Objectives of the Program Organisational Transformation thru self transformation Understanding the Best Practices and bringing the next Practices Focus on extra-ordinary results
Tools Adopted Lecture Sessions with active Interaction Presentations Case Studies, Poems, Stories Group Discussions and Quiz Films on transformation Various role plays such as Reflectors Optimist Devils Advocate Seeker Presenter Planner
What we learnt Change the mindset Introspect and discover our core competencies and core incompetencies Create our own destiny through transformation Fear of failure is impediment to success Take charge than allowing things to happen on their own Family and employees are also our customers
What we learnt-2 Think beyond boundaries To be successful do things differently Empower through delegation and knowledge sharing Individual transformation is a pre- requisite for organisational transformation
What we learnt-3 Work willingly for results within available resources Continuous innovation/creativity is pre- requisite for high performance Appreciation appreciates morale Communication is a powerful tool, use it effectively Be a good listener to be an effective leader Aim at higher role play
What we learnt-4 Learn to unlearn and relearn Practice what you preach- Walk the talk Anticipate, prioritise & delegate for better time management Challenge assumptions to ensure success Be customer centric in decision making
What we learnt-5 Create synergy by working together Take ownership to your actions Feedforward in place of feedback Best practices to Next practices Small wins lead to big SUCCESS
What we learnt-6 Threats, opportunities, challenges and Risks AnalyseChoose Make assessment (Planning) Prepare Strategies Identify Resources Implement/ execute
What we learnt-7 ResistanceHurdles Conflict Do not Quit Implement/ execute Motivate/ Inspire Achieve the GoalRewardBliss Fear
Success is a continuous journey
What we will practice Motivate, mentor, appreciate people around us Plan, prioritise, delegate and monitor day- to –day work Communicate effectively Encourage new ideas and implement Come out of ego and prejudices–be humble Share agenda and knowledge
What we will practice-2 Transformation through leadership- set example to others Customer orientation through best practices Focus on actions than words Not averse to taking calculated risk Expand horizon and aim for bigger goals
What we will practice-3 Give and take feed-forward Align resources for better performance Challenge assumptions for better decision/performance Make distinction among people Those who are motivated – include them in committees, appreciate Those who look for benefits for them-entrepreneur category- utilise their extra passion Those who aspire leadership position- reward them in leader of the month / week – share their best practices Those who work to rule- coach, provoke, persuade
What we will practice-4 Cross selling through Customer Relation Management( CRM) Be self -driven and do not drift Quick decision and least response time Shared vision
What results we will bring about Achieve 50 per cent annualised growth in all parameters to reach Centenary Vision Achieve revised plan (drawn at Eagleton Conclave) of March, 2004 in all parameters Leverage initiatives of the Bank and accelerate credit to agriculture Achieve 55 per cent annualised growth under retail segment- reach 40 percent of net bank credit by 2006
What results we will bring about-2 Accelerated cash recovery - Minimise delinquency and achieve NIL Net NPA position Double clientele base by 2006 Multifold increase in Bancassurance and Govt. business Issue Debit cards to all eligible accounts – Full Coverage Realise visionary profit goal of Rs. 725 Cr
What support we seek Support requiredDept concerned Time frame Core banking at 100 top centre branches and remaining branches IT June04 Sept 04 Standardised package for communication like MS Office ITMar 04 Enablement of e-creditCredit/ITJune 04 Introduction of CRM RMD/ITJune 04 Corp classic account to cover current account holders selectively RMDMar 04
What support we seek-2 Support requiredDept concern ed Time frame Incentives for Bancassurance LIC policy holders RMDMar 04 Merger of proximate branches for optimal utilisation of resources RMDDec 04 Opening rep offices in Gulf, USA, UK and SEZs IBD/RMDSept 04 Outsourcing in areas like clearing, cash, retail lending, recovery VariousJune 04 Mini DBs at more branches (limited functions) IIBDJune 04
What support we seek- 3 Support required Dept concerned Time frame Setting up of subsidiary for handling Pension funds IIBDSept 04 Retail credit hub in major centres for support of business/marketing CreditJune 04 Channel financingCreditMar 04 Facilities like Mibor/CP linked short term loans etc CreditJune 04 Time norm for disposal of credit proposals CreditMar 04
What support we seek-4 Support required Dept concerned Time frame Feed-forward of Branch heads for placements/promotion PADMarch 04 Stock option for employees PADJune 04 All officer branch concept to be introduced PADMar 04 Dress code/ Uniform PADMarch 04 Inter – Zone News Letter HRDJune 04
This is not the end. TRANSFORMATION HAS BEGUN…