Lila Garcia February15, 2010 EDTC 3332 Technology Training
Needs Assessment Pre-requisite skills needed by Learners: Teachers will need to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 software to complete this training. Know the basic features (tools). The learner must know how to start a PowerPoint. The learner must be able to create simple text slides with designer background. The learner must be able to add simple animations and sound to their presentations. The learner must know how to set up a slide show (PowerPoint presentation).
After completing this training module, teachers will be able to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 to create a multimedia presentation to present to students.
After completing the training teachers will be able to : Use Microsoft PowerPoint Improve their skills Create slides Integrate text and graphics Set up a slide show presentation.
The teacher will create a PowerPoint using step-by step Instructional activities to help them add text, create templates, graphics and designs. This will help them become proficient in the classroom. This will help build on and improve job skills. Performance ObjectiveAssessment 1.Create a PowerPoint 2.Instructional Activities 3.Set up a slide show 4.Pretest Step by Step Guide Using different slides, adding designs, animations, and sound. Peer Evaluation Improve the presentation
Within the last couple of years teachers have been transitioning and encountering problems with Microsoft Office Programs 2003 & 2007 programs. Teachers range from ages 35 – 60 years old; majority being females. Current upgrades need to be implemented The latest upgrade to PowerPoint 2007 has left the teachers at a disadvantage in the classroom; because of lack of time necessary for them to learn the changes individually.
This PowerPoint Training will help improve on and build job skills. To determine which class to take, the teachers will take an informal survey. The instruction will take place in the computer lab C-5 at work. Microsoft Office 2007 will help build technology skills. teachers will be creating a Power Point using graphics, animations, and texts. provide a sense of achievement.
Introduction: (a) Overview of Training (b) Statement of Goal and Objectives (c) Pre-requisite skills needed by Learners Required tools and Skills (a) Templates… (b) Animations… (c) Graphics… Learning Outcomes (a Context (b) Resources….… (c) Evaluation… Assessment A PowerPoint Presentation will determine if all the objectives were mastered.
Computer in lab C-5 Microsoft 2007 Software PowerPoint Step–by-Step instructions
Provide Teachers with a short Introduction Inform Teachers of Instructional Goal Inform Teachers of Pre-requisite skills Practice some of the tools on the computer (templates, graphics, designs, etc. Master the features until you feel confident
Follow instructions-Step- by-Step Try an independent activity Add designs, animations and sound to the slides Set up showSave and print
A Pretest will be administered to determine how much the learners already know about the instruction given. They should be able to show strategies such as : displaying different transitions, designs, colour schemes, etc. Peer evaluation will display how much knowledge the learners might already know about the instruction.
This design plan is to emphasize the importance of integrating technology into the classrooms. Research on the internet is endless, but we need to involve other forms of technology. A scheduled day of Spring training for the teachers will be implemented; because of lack of time necessary for them to learn the changes individually. After a Guided Practice Training in “Microsoft PowerPoint 2007” the teachers will demonstrate effective outcomes. They will create PowerPoint presentations that will have effects on classes and student learning.