ARE YOU READY FOR THE PLANNING OF YOUR 8 TH GRADE YEAR??? Today you will receive your gold card. You are going to learn to fill out your schedule card. Cards and applications are due back to your PE teacher on Wednesday, Feb. 11 th. Lots of info… LISTEN CAREFULLY Not filling out your card appropriately could lead to a schedule you don’t want but that can’t be changed later due to class sizes.
GREENFIELD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 8 TH GRADE Student Name:____________________ Student ID #:_____________________ __I will be attend. GRJHS for 8 th gr. __I will not be attending GRJHS for 8 th grade. I will be attending __________________. ACADEMICS Teachers must circle the appropriate academic courses. LANGUAGE ARTS / ENGLISH Language Arts 8 English 8 Honors English 8 MATH Math 8 Honors Algebra IA/IB SCIENCE Science 8 Honors Science 8 SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 8 Honors Social Studies PHYSICAL EDUCATION Boys P.E. 8 Girls P.E. 8 Unified PE The street address on my label is NOT correct. I have updated it on the back of this card. Please check_____ NO ACTION IS NECESSARY IF LABEL IS CORRECT! ELECTIVES PLEASE circle A total of 5 class options. FULL YEAR ELECTIVES Spanish IA Girls Chorus * Boys chorus 7/8 Band 8, (indicate instrument ___________) Jazz Band (audition only) (circle another elective in case you don’t get in) Orchestra 8, instrument _______ Is this your first year??? Tell me Yearbook (application. required) (circle another elective in case you don’t get in) Newspaper (application required (circle another elective in case you don’t get in)
FRONT OF CARD CONTINUED………… SEMESTER ELECTIVES (half year ) SEMESTER ELECTIVES Remember it takes 2 semester Electives to equal one full year. You must circle a minimum of 2 choices Art I Art II * Computers I Computers II * Clothing Life Skills Industrial Technology I Industrial Technology II* Intro. To Business *Pre-Requisite required … See Course Description Book on GPS Website *Please Note* At GRJHS it is our desire to keep classroom sizes at the optimal student/teacher ratios. Our team works hard to maintain the integrity of student requests, however, as new sections are opened, changes are sometimes necessary. These changes may affect the order of student classes and teachers to which one has been assigned,
HONORS Honors Honors English Honors Math Algebra 1a/1b Honors Science Honors Social Studies To sign up for this class you must qualify for honors Eng and have an increased interest in SS. Show your card to your Honors teachers to sign today or tomorrow. If you are not in Honors-check website for the date of next testing. Have your honors teacher circle and sign next for honors classes. Language and English DO NOT CIRCLE!! Honors English can circle ACADEMICS LANGUAGE / ENGLISH Language Arts 8 English 8 Honors English 8 MATH Math 8 Honors Math Topics 1-2 SCIENCE Science 8 Honors Science 8 SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 8 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Boys P.E. 8 Girls P.E. 8
YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR ELECTIVES!! CIRCLE YOUR TOP 5 CHOICES! ****Please number your electives according to which one you would prefer 1,2,3 etc. It is not a GUARENTEE that you will get those options but he can help our registrar to pick choices that you are interested in. If you choose Band or Orchestra, you will get that FIRST!! Jazz band is decided by auditions. Band 8 and Orchestra 8- Please make sure to put your instrument on the line. If you have NO EXPERIENCE please make a note off that so you can be placed appropriately. Band- must play an instrument that you played in 7 th grade. If you wish to switch your band teacher for details. FULL YEAR ELECTIVES ELECTIVES FULL YEAR ELECTIVES Spanish IA Girls Chorus 8 Boys Chorus 7/8 Band 8, instrument ______________ Jazz Band (audition only) Orchestra 8, instrument ___________ Yearbook (Publication Application Required) Newspaper (Publication Application Required)
YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR ELECTIVES! REMEMBER, two semester electives equal one year What does the * mean & “Application Required ”? Does this mean I will get this Elective?? If you circle Jazz band, newspaper or yearbook please circle another elective for each one that you circle, just in case you do NOT get selected you will have enough electives to chose from. For example: if you circle jazz band, circle one more elective. If you circle newspaper and yearbook circle 2 other electives in case you do not get selected. SEMESTER ELECTIVES Remember circle a minimum of 2 Art I Art II * Computers I Computers II * Clothing Life Skills Industrial Technology I Industrial Technology II * Intro. To Business Video Tech (application required) * Pre-Requisite required. See Course Description Book on GPS Website.
WHY SHOULD I CIRCLE 5 ELECTIVES NOW? If you don’t choose, then we will choose for you … …once your schedule is set we can’t change it when 8 th grade starts…yikes! Classes get way to full!!
LET’S PRACTICE - A 7 TH GRADE STUDENT IS IN HONORS CLASSES & HER TOP 3 ELECTIVE CHOICES ARE ART I, SPANISH 1A, BAND 8 & YEARBOOK. HOW WOULD WE FILL OUT HER COURSE CARD? ACADEMICS TEACHERS MUST CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE ACADEMIC COURSE. LANGUAGE ARTS / ENGLISH Honors English 8 MATH Honors Math Topics 1-2 SCIENCE Honors Science 8 Social Studies Honors Social Studies 8 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ((circle one) Girls P.E. 8 Boys P.E. 8 Unified PE (App required) Electives Please circle 5 different class options FULL YEAR ELECTIVES Spanish !A Girls Chorus 8Boys Chorus 7/8 Band 8 instrument________________________ Jazz Band (auditions only) Orchestra 8 instrument_____________________ Yearbook (Application Required) Newspaper (Application Required) SEMESTER ELECTIVES (remember you must circle a minimum of 2. Art I Art II Computers I Computers II Clothing Life Skills Industrial Tech I Instrial Tech II Intro. to Business
REMEMBER … Ask your Honors teachers to circle & sign your card today or Wed. Circle 5 elective classes (semester electives need a MINIMUUM of 2) Parents sign Return to your PE teacher on Wednesday, Feb. 11 h Finish strong in all of your current 7 th grade classes so you can pass onto 8 th grade!
Let’s finish Grizzly S.T.R.O.N.G