INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION Summary of MACRAO Agreement Summary of MTA Compare/Contrast MACRAO & MTA MACRAO/MTA Data Summary of the Transfer Policy Transfer Policy & Next Steps Implementation of both at GRCC
MACRAO AGREEMENT Facilitates transfer Transferability of up to 30 semester credits Complete MACRAO as part of an associate degree or as a stand-alone package ‘MACRAO Agreement Satisfied’ posted on transcript Provisos, limitations, exceptions
MICHIGAN TRANSFER AGREEMENT 2012 Michigan Legislature State Committee formed, charged with submitting reports March 2013 and September 2013 to legislatures Final recommendations of committee include: Revision to 30 credits required Increase in minimum grades required to earn MTA Changes to residency requirements
COMPARE/CONTRAST MACRAO & MTA CURRENT MACRAO LANGUAGE MTA UPDATED LANGUAGE JULY 2013 CHANGE English Composition…6 credit hours 1 course in English Composition A second course in English Composition or 1 course in Communications The new language allows for students to take a second course in communications instead of English composition There is no longer a credit hour requirement, only a course requirement Science and Math…8 hours Courses must be taken from a minimum of two subject areas. At least one science course must include a laboratory. 1 course in Mathematics 2 courses in Natural Sciences including one with laboratory experience (from two disciplines) This is a new requirement and was not in the previous MACRAO agreement There is no longer a credit hour requirement, only a course requirement Social Science…8 credit hours Courses must be taken from a minimum of two subject areas. 2 courses in Social Sciences (from two disciplines) There is no longer a credit hour requirement, only a course requirement Humanities…8 credit hours Courses must be taken from a minimum of two subject areas. 2 courses in Humanities and Fine Arts (from two disciplines excluding studio and performance classes) There is no longer a credit hour requirement, only a course requirement The previous language did not allow for fine arts to be included in Humanities
MTA IMPLEMENTATION AT GRCC FALL 2014 – MTA begins, MACRAO sunset begins Effect on students Curriculum Model Courses must be identified/specified instead of credit hours Program curricula must specifically include at least one math and two science courses (from different disciplines) MACRAO language changes to MTA language
DATA AS OF 01/16/2015 MACRAOMTA Fall
TRANSFER POLICY Higher Learning Commission Requirement Presented to AGC and Approved – November Effective date: March 2014 as policy number Implementation Team: Ann Isackson, Carol Natte, Diane Patrick, Emily Nisley, Erin Busscher, Lori Cook, Matthew Novakoski, William Faber C- transfer grades will no longer be accepted for transfer credit starting January 15, Transfer credit prior to Jan. 15 will be checked manually before awarding the MTA.
TRANSFER POLICY NEXT STEPS The Team will continue to meet a few more times on the following: Investigate how the transfer policy impacts our signed transfer agreements. Add information about C- transfer grades to the Pre-Requisite Waiver Form. Continue to develop a more comprehensive internal and external communication plan.
MTA & TRANSFER POLICY IMPLEMENTATION AT GRCC All new students beginning Fall 2014 or later will be under these new these new guidelines. All catalog, web pages, MACRAO sheets, other printed materials updated to include MTA. Communications/Training is on going.