3-DIMENSIONAL SOFTWARE TOOL for Environmental Impact Assessment of atmospheric dispersion of industrial emissions October 2007 Fluidyn –PANEIA
Fluidyn-PANEIA : software tool specifically designed to plan and evaluate the environmental impact of industrial sites on air quality Fluidyn-PANEIA : software dedicated to the 3 dimensional simulation of pollutant dispersion. Developed by Transoft International, it uses finite volume CFD tools based on the solution of mass, velocity and energy transfer differential equations. Fluidyn-PANEIA models the atmospheric dispersion of industrial emissions, released from point or continuous sources. Uses a 3 dimensional deterministic solution of fluid dynamics Eulerian equations Fluidyn-PANEIA Context
All phenomena and parameters which may influence atmospheric pollutant diffusion and transport are taken into account: Complex topography Ground occupation parameters (urban areas, forests, water bodies…). forests, water bodies…). Weather conditions (constant or variables). Atmospheric turbulence. Specific pollutant characteristics and properties (NOx, SO 2, CO, C 6 H 6, dust, properties (NOx, SO 2, CO, C 6 H 6, dust, COV, Hg, …). COV, Hg, …). Fluidyn-PANEIA Context
Impact under variable weather conditions. Particles and droplets : SO2, CO2, & NO2, suspended particles (dust) and aerosols Odors : dispersion in no-wind conditions, source identification Efficiency of the monitoring equipments for pollution evaluation Site optimization for pollution measuring instruments Near wind fields of buildings or complex terrains Effects caused by the construction or modification of industrial sites Panache visibility Combination of Gaussian, Lagrangian and Eulerian methods Fluidyn-PANEIA Applications
Fluidyn-PANEIA can be used as a tool for the evaluation of atmospheric pollution impact on the existing environment due to an increase in industrial pollution. Fluidyn-PANEIA helps the environmental engineers and decision makers to verify, confirm and guarantee that their industrial sites conform to the air quality standards. Fluidyn-PANEIA helps the environmental engineers and decision makers to verify, confirm and guarantee that their industrial sites conform to the air quality standards. Fluidyn-PANEIA A practical software tool
Contrary to the probability methods like Gaussian model, Fluidyn-PANEIA uses a deterministic method to analyze the varying effects of each parameter independently with a high precision numerical solver. It automatically estimates the vertical stratification effects of temperature and wind and the stratification effects on the turbulence of the atmospheric boundary layer. The gravity terms are calculated by the total gravity model or by Boussinesq approximation. Fluidyn-PANEIA Methodology
The effect on the pollutant dispersion is considered based on: All topographical and geographical characteristics Buildings / obstacles influencing the wind direction Vegetation and water bodies and their effect on the wind Macro and micro synoptic atmospheric conditions This software can be used to: Assist the industrial sectors to get the clearance required to establish / extend their industrial units or factories from the pollution control boards. Fluidyn-PANEIA Main characteristics
Software characteristics Fully interactive user friendly user interface for terrain modeling Embedded non-conformal mesh for all local refinements Unstructured mesh for capturing very fine details of building Unstructured mesh for capturing very fine details of building Integrated meso-scale weather results Multiple Sources and pollutants treated simultaneously 3-D fluid dynamics high precision 3rd order finite volume scheme for greater accuracy with fewer meshes Puff model for source identification Multi-windows interactive results analysis with online help text Video animation
Information Sources GIS files Monitoring network Population data PRE-PROCESSOR Terrain Model Weather data Emission Inventory PROCESSOR Mesh Generation Processing weather data Pollutant Dispersion by fluid dynamics Models Compressible Pollutant deposition Turbulence POST-PROCESSOR Wind field Pollutant Mapping Concentration evolution Utilisation Planning and response Impact prediction Graphical Interface
File Preliminary options Terrain details Chemical database Pollution sources Weather data SimulationAveragingVisualisation Output results Pre – Processor options Flow solution Post – Processor options Annotations & Printing Fluidyn-PANEIA Concentration as per windrose Menus
Fluidyn-PANEIA File Manager Load/ Save Menus Easy and detailed file management in working directory Menu options in File Name identification / selection
Terrain characteristics Altitude contours defined interactively or by DXF, GIS files. Altitude contours defined interactively or by DXF, GIS files. Buildings, chemical units, forests, forest areas, urban areas. Buildings, chemical units, forests, forest areas, urban areas. Water bodies (lake, river, sea…) Water bodies (lake, river, sea…) Chemical data Chemical data Selection/Addition of data from existing databases. Selection/Addition of data from existing databases. Specifying pollutant properties required for the simulation. Specifying pollutant properties required for the simulation. Weather data Weather data Wind : measurement, evaluation of wind velocity profiles. Wind : measurement, evaluation of wind velocity profiles. Cloud cover: estimated manually or from database. Cloud cover: estimated manually or from database. Ground : general roughness, urban (anthropic source), Heat Ground : general roughness, urban (anthropic source), Heat Continuous pollutant sources Continuous pollutant sources pollutant product dispersion : stacks, point/volume/general sources, urban areas, Odours, Particles. pollutant product dispersion : stacks, point/volume/general sources, urban areas, Odours, Particles. Leaks: dense gas, aerosols, reservoir leak and surface source. Leaks: dense gas, aerosols, reservoir leak and surface source. Fluidyn-PANEIA Requisite Data
Fluidyn-PANEPR Fluidyn-PANEIA Terrain Construction Terrain characteristics Sub-options to plot and modify terrain objects X & Y coordinates
Fluidyn-PANEIA Chemical database Menu: Chemical database Product List Properties of Propane
Fluidyn-PANEIA Pollutant Sources Pollutant Sources Data for Point Source
Fluidyn-PANEIA Weather Wind Rose representation
Terrain Contours: curvilinear mesh for terrain, roughness Terrain Contours: curvilinear mesh for terrain, roughness Forests : Porosity, drag, deposition, condensation, heat Forests : Porosity, drag, deposition, condensation, heat Water bodies: Heat exchange, condensation Water bodies: Heat exchange, condensation Urban areas : Urban heat, roughness and other urban pollution sources Urban areas : Urban heat, roughness and other urban pollution sources Buildings, chemical units: Obstacle/Porosity, Turbulence, Heat source /ventilation Buildings, chemical units: Obstacle/Porosity, Turbulence, Heat source /ventilation Wind measurements : Wind field (initial evaluation) Wind measurements : Wind field (initial evaluation) Cloud cover : Ground reflection, solar radiation Cloud cover : Ground reflection, solar radiation Fluidyn-PANEIA Terrain Specifics
Simulation Options Enter simulation parameters Select the appropriate properties and launch the simulation Fluidyn-PANEIA Simulation
Representation of wind rose by integrating the frequency of each weather condition 1 direction Wind rose Average Concentration
in all directions and in all planes. Velocity components in all directions and in all planes. 3D iso-contours & Iso-surfaces Fluidyn-PANEIA Visualisation
Gradient variations of pressure, density and temperature at desired places. Gradient variations of pressure, density and temperature at desired places. with text / graphic annotation. Animation facility with text / graphic annotation. (*.bmp). Images saved in BMP format (*.bmp). Visualise the whole terrainVisualise the whole terrain Superposition of results with terrain Superposition of results with terrain Improved result interpretation Improved result interpretation Presentation Presentation Fluidyn-PANEIA Visualisation
Menu View’ Fluidyn-PANEIA Visualisation