Lecture 13 – Continuous-Time Markov Chains Topics Markovian property Exponential distribution Rate matrix ATM Example Birth and death processes Queuing systems
Markovian Property for CTMCs Stochastic process: {Yt : t 0 }, where Yt is a nonnegative integer CTMC is similar to that of a DTMC except “one-step” has no meaning in continuous time so the Markovian property must hold for all future times instead of just for one step. Definition 1: The process Y = {Yt : t ≥ 0 } with state space S is a CTMC if the following condition holds for all j Î S, and t, s ≥ 0 Pr{Yt+s = j | Yu , u ≤ s } = Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys }. In addition, the chain is said to have stationary transitions if Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys = i } = Pr{Yt = j | Y0 = i }. Interpretation: First equation says that the conditional distribution of the future Yt+s given the present Ys and the past Yu, 0 ≤ u ≤ s, depends only on the present and is independent of the past. Second equation says that Pr{Yt+s = j | Ys = i } is independent of s.
Example of Definition 1 Problem: Suppose that a CTMC enters state i at, say, time 0 and does not leave during the next 15 minutes; i.e., a transition does not occur. Question: What is the probability that a transition will not occur in the next 5 minutes? Approach: Markovian property tells us that the probability that the process will remain in state i during the interval [15, 20] is just the unconditional probability that it stays in state i for at least 5 minutes. Solution: Let Ti denote the amount of time that the process stays in state i before making a transition into a different state. Then Pr{ Ti > 20 | Ti > 15 } = Pr{ Ti > 5 } or, in general, Pr{Ti > s + t | Ti > s } = Pr{ Ti > t } for all s, t ≥ 0. Hence, the random variable Ti is memoryless and so is exponentially distributed.
Generalization of Example The Markovian property gives Pr{ Ti > s + t | Ti > s } = Pr{ Ti > t } for all s, t ≥ 0. Implication: The random variable Ti is memoryless and thus is exponentially distributed. Alternative definition of CTMC: A stochastic process having the properties that each time it enters state i, (i) the amount of time it spends in that state before making a transition into a different state is exponentially distributed with mean, say, 1/li , and (ii) when the process leaves state i it next enters state j with some probability, say, pij , where pij must satisfy pii = 0, for all i Î S Sj pij = 1, for all i Î S
ATM Example (max of 5 in system) Statistics Average time between arrivals = 30 sec (0.5 min): l = 2/min Average service time = 24 sec (0.4 min): m = 2.5/min Design questions How many ATMs should there be? Should the foyer be expanded? State-transition network
Exponential Distribution pdf: f (t ) = le–lt for t ≥ 0 CDF: F (t ) = 1 – e–lt for t ≥ 0 Parameters: Mean = 1/l Var = (1/l )2 Exponential distribution with Mean = 0.5 (l = 2)
Poisson Process When the duration of the time between events is exponentially distributed, the number of occurrences of the event in a given time interval has a Poisson distribution. Pr{ k arrivals in time t } = for k = 0, 1,… For the ATM example with l = 2, the expected number of arrivals in the interval [0, t ] is 2t.
Rate Diagram For CTMCs, activities are better represented by their rate of occurrence, so rather than using a state-transition network we use a rate diagram or rate network. This network is easily constructed from the state-transition network by replacing the activity designation by the activity rate. ATM Network Transient analysis
Rate Matrix A computationally more convenient alternative to the rate diagram is the rate matrix R whose element rij is the transition rate from state i to j. In general, rij = lpij or rij = mpij General rate matrix Rate matrix for ATM example
q(t ) = (q0(t ), q1(t ), q2(t ),…,qm-1(t )) Transient Analysis Determine the probability that the system will be in a particular state at time t. The transient probabilities are a function of the initial state. Unconditional probability vector: q(t ) = (q0(t ), q1(t ), q2(t ),…,qm-1(t )) Requirement:
Transient Analysis (cont’d) For some small interval of time ∆, let n = t/∆ be the number of steps or increments required to represent t. The transient solution of the process can be approximated at time t = n∆ with a DTMC by solving the following equation: q(n∆) = q(0)P(n) or q(n∆+∆) = q(n∆)P where P is a state-transition matrix determined from the rate matrix R.
Transition Matrix for Transient Analysis Let ai be the sum of all transition rates out of state i ; that is, and let pij rij. Then
Transition Matrix for ATM Example Rate network
Transient Analysis for ATM Example Assume system is empty at t = 0. We wish to approximate the transient probabilities at t = 1 min. Initial probability vector: q(0) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) Use equation q(n∆) = q(0)P(n) Number of steps: n = t/∆ = 1/∆ Case 1: ∆ = 0.05 n = 20 steps (1 min) q(20∆) = q(1) = (0.433, 0.291, 0.162, 0.075, 0.029, 0.011) Case 2: ∆ = 0.025 n = 40 steps (1 min) q(40∆) = q(1) = (0.435, 0.291, 0.160, 0.073, 0.029, 0.011) (almost identical)
Transient Solution for ATM Example (∆ = 0.05, 0 t 1)
Steady-State Solutions Definition: The probability that the system is in state i is constant (independent of initial conditions). Steady-state probability for state i : iP = limtq(t ) Vector: Calculations in Chapter 15: must solve m simultaneous linear equations in m unknowns. ATM example: After 1 min with ∆ = 0.25 q(1) = (0.435, 0.291, 0.160, 0.073, 0.029, 0.011) In the limit P = (0.271, 0.217, 0.173, 0.139, 0.111, 0.089)
Transient Computations for ATM Example with ∆ = 0.025
System Statistics Provide managerial insights Evaluate system performance and quality of service Evaluate design options ATM Example: Proportion of time ATM is idle: Efficiency (proportion of time busy): Proportion of customers rejected: Proportion of customers who wait: Expected number in system:
ATM Example (cont’d) Expected number in queue: Throughput rate (average number passing through the system): Balking rate (average number of customers lost): Average time in system (given by Little’s law):
ATM Design Alternatives Performance summary (contradictory?) Busy 73% of time Space in foyer less than 40% utilized; that is, (average no. in systems / 5) 100% = 37.36% 9% of customers lost Average wait in queue = 60(1.139/1.822) = 37 sec Options Add machines Expand size of foyer Add human teller
Add More ATMs Rate diagram for 3 ATMs: = 2, = 2.5 Comparative analysis
Add Human Teller Performance Two-server queuing system Average service rate for teller: m1 = 1/min Average service rate for ATM: m2 = 2.5/min Arrival rate: l = 2/min Two-server queuing system Indices: teller = 1; ATM = 2 State variables: s = (s1, s2, s3)
Add Human Teller (cont’d) Events Arrival = a Service completion for teller = d1 Service completion for ATM = d2 State-transition network Explanation: s = (110); teller and ATM are busy, no customers are waiting.
Add Human Teller (cont’d) Event rates Arrival: l = 2/min Service completion for teller: m1 = 1 Service completion for ATM: m2 = 2.5 Rate diagram
Add Human Teller (cont’d) Rate matrix R = (rij) where rij = transition rate from state i to state j Explanation: r43 = m1 + m2 = 1 + 2.5 = 3.5 where state 4 = (111) and state 3 = (110)
Comparisons For ATM Example Steady-state solution for human teller: s = (000) (010) (100) (110) (111) (112) (113) πP = (0.214, 0.046, 0.313, 0.205, 0.117, 0.067, 0.038)
pk(t ) = (lt )ke-lt/k !, k = 0, 1, 2, … ] Pure Birth Processes Example: Hurricanes Rate matrix (let li be arrival rate for state i ) Properties Markov process if time between arrivals has exponential distribution No steady state [transient probabilities are governed by Poisson distribution: pk(t ) = (lt )ke-lt/k !, k = 0, 1, 2, … ] Probability of N (t ) arrivals in time t is n: Pr{ N (t ) n } =
Pure Death Processes Examples Rate matrix Delivery of packages Completion of 10 course study units Rate matrix Let mi be completion rate for state i State space S = (0,1,…,10} Steady state probability vector: πP = (1,0,…,0) State 0 is an absorbing state
Pure Death Process Example Assume all units have the same completion rate: rk,k–1 = µk = µ, k = 1,…,10 Then transient probabilities are: p10–k(t ) = (mt )ke-mt/k !, 0 k < 10, and p0(t ) = 1 – p1(t ) – · · · – p10(t ) Let m = 1 completions per week Probability of completing k units in t = 14 weeks:
Pure Death Process Example (cont’d) Transient probabilities for k units remaining: pk(t ) = (mt )10–ke-mt/(10–k) !, 0 k < 10, and p0(t ) = 1 – p1(t ) – · · · – p10(t ) Let m = 1 completions per week Probability of k units remaining in t = 14 weeks: 30
General Birth and Death Processes Examples Repair shop for a taxi company Intensive care unit in hospital (turnover of nurses) Rate matrix Assume 7 states Typically, m and l depend on state Steady state probabilities, pP, will exist
Queuing Systems Input Service source Queue mechanism Customers Departures Service mechanism Queue Queue Discipline: Order in which customers are served; FIFO, LIFO, Random, Priority Five Field Notation: Arrival distribution / Service distribution / Number of servers / Maximum number in the system / Number in the calling population
Queuing Notation Distributions (interarrival and service times) M = Exponential D = Constant time Ek = Erlang GI = General independent (arrivals only) G = General Parameters s = number of servers K = Maximum number in system N = Size of calling population
Characteristics of Queues Infinite queue: e.g., Mail order company (GI/G/s) Finite queue: e.g., Airline reservation system (M/M/s/K) a. Customer arrives but then leaves b. No more arrivals after K
Characteristics of Queues (continued) Finite input source: e.g., Repair shop for taxi company (N vehicles) with s service bays and limited capacity parking lot (K – s spaces). Each repair takes 1 day (GI/D/s/K/N). In this diagram N = K so we have GI/D/s/K/K system.
Single Channel Queue – Two Kinds of Service Bank teller: normal service (d ), travelers checks (c ), idle (i ) Let p = portion of customers who buy travelers checks after normal service s1 = number in system, where s1 Î { 0, 1, 2, . . . } s2 = status of teller, where s2 Î {i, d, c } s = (s1, s2) State-transition network
Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) State transitions w.r.t. customer departures from teller Current state: s = ( j, d ), j = 1, 2,… (teller busy) Next state: either s' = ( j –1, d ), departure with probability 1 – p, or s' = ( j, c ), get checks with probability p State transitions w.r.t. customer departures after purchasing travelers checks Current state: s = ( j, c ), j = 1, 2,… (customer buying checks) Next state: s' = ( j –1, d ), departure with probability 1 State transitions w.r.t. customer arrivals Current state: s = ( j, d or c), j = 1, 2,… (teller or checks busy) Next state: s' = ( j +1, d or c), arrival with probability 1
Single Channel Queue for Bank (cont’d) Rate of transitions Event: x (arrival or departure) Rate of event x : gx (where ga = l, gd = m1, gc = m2) Conditional probability: p(s,s' | x ) or p(i, j|x ) Computations: rij = gxp(i, j |x ) States -- assume limited no. customers at teller: K = 2 s0 = (0,i ), s1 = (1,d ), s2 = (1,c ), s3 = (2,d ), s4 = (2,c ) Rate matrix
Part Processing with Rework Consider a machining operation in which there is a 0.4 probability that upon completion, a processed part will not be within tolerance. Machine is in one of 3 states [ s = { (0), (1), (2) } ]: 0 = idle 1 = working on part for first time 2 = reworking part Events a = arrival d1 = service completion from state 1 d2 = service completion from state 2 State-transition network
Classification of States Accessible: Possible to go from state i to state j (path exists in the network from i to j). Two states communicate if both are accessible from each other. A system is irreducible if all states communicate. State i is recurrent if the system will return to it some time in the future after leaving it. If a state is not recurrent, it is transient.
What You Should Know About Markov Chains Definition of a CTMC. What the difference is between a DTMC and a CTMC. What the rate matrix and rate diagram are. What is meant by a transient solution What is meant by a steady-state solution. What a birth-death process is. Classification of the various types of queuing systems.