Before The Bank Robbery
Before The Robbery Following Measures Should Be Taken Prior to a Robbery: Regularly conducted teller training Implementation/installation of security devices Maintenance and testing of security devices Increased awareness of bank surroundings and activities
1. Teller Training Opening/closing procedures Use of all clear/safe signals Proper greeting and establishment of eye contact with all customers Standard procedures to follow if a robbery occurs How and when to activate alarms How to be a good witness
2. Implementation and Installation of Security Devices Camera Systems Bandit Barrier Access Control Units Bait Bills Dye Packs Tracking Devices Security Guards
A. Camera Systems 35mm –Superior quality image –Ability to manipulate images –Must be activated by teller –Capture only robbery and some post-robbery images
Standard Video –Always running –Capture prior activity (casing, etc.) –Capture wider scope of activity –Reduced quality of images –Inability to manipulate images Minor clearing of distortions –Images easily printed/produced
Digital –Better quality images –Some manipulation possible –Potential download/printing delays –No tape/cartridge to replace –No tape for robber to remove
C. Access Control Unite (Physical Gateway/Customer Enter Through Robber enters unit and must be allowed to enter and exit bank Robber may become “Trapped” in unit Effective deterrent Must be monitored Possible customer intimidation
D. Bait Bills Appearance must match other currency in drawer Teller must be trained to give to robber Information needed Series Date Denomination Serial Number
E. Dye Packs Appearance must match other banded currency Denominations of outer bills consistent with teller drawer Tellers must be trained to give to robber Tellers must be confident device will not malfunction in bank
F. Tracking Devices Radio frequency tracking technology requires receiving units in police/FBI vehicles Ability of robber to block signal of device GPS technology still new GPS requires no receiving units, track is observed via internet
G. Security Guards Possible deterrent from presence Should be very visible. Placement outside bank may be advantageous Armed or unarmed. Continuing debate of potential escalation of violence Valuable tool for observing suspicious activity/casing of bank
During The Bank Robbery
During the Bank Robbery: 1)If the robber presents a written note, attempt to place it out of sight to retain as evidence 2)Follow your bank’s procedures with reference to complying with the robber 3)Activate the alarm system as soon as it is safe to do to 4)Be sure to include Bait Money, Tracking Device, or a Dye Pack
During: Continued 5)Give the robber only the amount he/she demands 6)Be observant and note the following: A.Physical Description B.Facial Features – shape, complexion, facial hair, etc. C.Clothing D.Scars, Marks, Tattoos, etc. E.Note what & where the robber(s) touched F.Vehicle description and license of getaway vehicle
After The Bank Robbery
After the Robbery 1.Follow your Bank Robbery Procedures 2.Lock all doors and control access in and out of bank Contact local police and nearest FBI office 3.Protect the Crime Scene: Protect the areas the robber may have touched/used Protect the exit door used by the robber Protect the robbery note, if left behind Write down your memory of the crime and the description of the robber
After the Robbery - Continued 4.DO NOT discuss the robbery with others, until interviewed by law enforcement 5.Some witnesses may be impressionable when exposed to other witness accounts 6.Establish a list of all employees and customers to provide to responding law enforcement 7.Minimize contact with the media, refer media inquiries to the police/FBI or your designated media representative 8.Never provide the loss amount to the media!!!