To Begin… Define imperialism. Identify one argument in support of imperialism and one argument in opposition to imperialism. FYI from Counseling – Women’s History/Studies (a social studies elective) IS being offered next year. Feel free to sign up.
Map Practice
PD Discussion Pull out the PD you read for today. Complete the following with your neighbor: Closely examine both documents. Identify several reasons Pulitzer argues for US entry into the Spanish-American War. Identify several reasons McKinley argues for US entry into the Spanish-American War. How do the documents compare/contrast? What broad “motivators for imperialism” (discussed last class) are evident in the documents?
Spanish-American War (1898) Causes: Americans sympathized with Cubans’ desire for independence U.S. economic interests De Lome letter Yellow Journalism “Remember the Maine”
Covering the War Again with your neighbor… Closely examine the two news reports about the U.S.S. Maine. Any similarities? Most significant differences? Do you consider one more credible? Why or why not? Can the media really create a war?
Spanish-American War (1898) Causes: Americans sympathized with Cubans’ desire for independence U.S. economic interests De Lome letter Yellow Journalism “Remember the Maine” “Splendid Little War” 2 Fronts (Philippines and Cuba) Teddy Roosevelt, Rough Riders, and Buffalo Soldiers Disease
Concluding the War Treaty of Paris (1898) Cuba gains independence US gains Puerto Rico and Guam US buys Philippines for $20 million
Teller v. Platt Hello, neighbor… Read the Teller and Platt Amendments closely. How would you describe the relationship between Cuba and the US as outlined in the Teller Amendment? How would you describe the relationship between Cuba and the US as outlined in the Platt Amendment? Have things changed over these 2 years? How and why?
Concluding the War Treaty of Paris (1898) Teller Amendment (1898) Cuba gains independence US gains Puerto Rico and Guam US buys Philippines for $20 million Teller Amendment (1898) guaranteed Cuban independence Platt Amendment (1901) Cuba can’t forfeit their independence to another country Cuba can’t go into extreme debt US gets Guantanamo Bay as naval base US can intervene in Cuba to preserve order
…To End: Develop a caption for each cartoon.