Christopher Paolini Christopher Paolini (born November 17, 1983 in Southern California) is an American writer. who is best known as the author of the Inheritance Cycle, which consists of the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and an as yet untitled fourth book. He lives in Paradise Valley, Montana, where he wrote his first book. To promote the book, Paolini toured over 135 schools and libraries, discussing reading and writing, all the while dressed in "a medieval costume of red shirt, billowy black pants, lace-up boots, and a jaunty black cap.
Paolini's literary inspirations include the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, E. R. Eddison and the author of the epic poem Beowulf. Paolini said that Eragon was "specifically inspired" by the work of Bruce Coville
Synopsis Eragon, is the average person in Carvahall. One day, while hunting in the spine, he discovers a blue stone. Thinking it may be worth something, he took it back to sell. No one would take it however, since they all feared the spine. Eragon lost interest in the stone over the days. But one night, it hatched. Eragon was in disbelief. The blue stone was actually an egg, a dragon egg. Eragon decided to keep the dragon, though he tried to hide it. He didn't want people becoming alarmed. He went to the town story teller, Brom, who knew a lot about dragons. He asked how to care for them and some good names, careful to keep from being too suspicious. He names the dragon Saphira and cared for her over time. After his conversation with Brom, he realized she was an equal and figured out he could communicate with her through his mind. One day, something terrible happens. Eragon hears strangers interrogating the town, looking for the stone he found. Well, they can't have it now, he thought, it's a dragon. When Eragon told Saphira, she blocked him out of her thoughts, reared up and took off, overtaken by fear. Eragon just had time to grab on before she flew away. As they landed, far from Carvahall, Eragon was very angry at her. He had had full intentions of warning his uncle whom.
he lived with. In the morning, he convinced her to go back. When he arrived back at Palancar Valley, he was disturbed to see that his house had been reduced to rubble. He dug through the pile and found his uncle, unconscious and severely injured. He took his uncle and headed towards Carvahall on Saphira, but she was too weak and young to carry both of them. They landed halfway there and Eragon commanded Saphira to hide in the woods while he struggled towards the town. Luckily, he met up with Brom, just before falling unconscious of exhaustion. When Eragon awoke, he went to see his uncle, who died the following night. Eragon snuck off to Saphira who had persuaded him to track down and kill the strangers who'd murdered his uncle. When he reached Saphiras hiding spot however, he found Brom waiting for him. He explained a little to Eragon about himself not really being just a story teller, but that all he would reveal for now. He convinced Eragon to take him too. So Eragon gathered supplies and set out on a journey of vengeance...
Characters Eragon : A poor farm boy who barely could feed his uncle and cousin. When out in the Spine, he discovered a stone that later hatched into a sapphire dragon. The Stone brought on the Raz'ac and destroyed Eragons farm, and killed his uncle. He fled Carvahall with Brom, learning the ways of magic as he went, chasing after the Raz'ac. Saphira : The dragon found in the Spine by Eragon, Saphira was born of an egg stolen by the Varden from the wicked king and kept hidden until Eragon found and raised her. Her wisdom is paramount to Eragon’s growth and via telepathy, she communicates with Eragon, a link created when they first touched. Ironically, her name is the same as Brom’s dragon before she was killed. The two become close friends and confidants in their journies.
Characters Brom : The story teller in Eragons village who was secretly a former dragon rider until the death of he's dragon. Later in the story he trains Eragon in magic and swordmanship until he dies defending Eragon. Arya : Arya is the daughter of Queen Islanzadi of the elves.She was once the keeper of Saphira's egg, and ferried it between the Varden and the Elves before her capture by Durza the Shade.
Characters Durza : Durza led the capture of Arya and did the dirty work of Galbatorix. Durza also led the Urgal's into battle at Farthen Dúr, he was slain by Eragon (dubbed Eragon Shadeslayer) during the battle, freeing the Urgal's of a spell they had been placed under, and sending the armies into disarray. Galbatorix : Galbatorix is the cause of all hell on earth. Galbatorix is a rebel Rider who went against his own kind because of a stupid mistake he made when he was young. Both evil and power hungry, Galbatorix soon slue all of his fellow comrades, and rose to power over Alagaësia. Since that day on, Galbatorix has been ruling the people of Alagaësia, no matter how much they hate him.
If you could only save one character from the book in the event of a disaster, which one would it be and why? I would save Oromosis and Gladr because they were the most interesting characters in the story and there deaths were very anticlimactic to the end of the third book.
Identify one of the problems in the book and give an alternate solution Use magic to somehow go back in time, to when Galbatorix is a boy and kick his ass and scream at him that we are from the future. And then when he tells people about the incident they'll think hes crazy and make him an outcast.