$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 OrientCanalPotpourriTRMishmashResults S-A War
C1-$100 Results S-A War Results S-A War- $100 What were the social results of the Spanish American War? Ended N/S hatred National Pride Control over Philippines New markets
C1-$200 Results S-A War Results S-A War - $200 What were the economic results of the Spanish American War? Stimulated economy New bases for American troops Raw materials Economic Imperialism
C1-$300 Results S-A War Results S-A War - $300 What were the political results of the Spanish American War? Colonial Empire US a world power End of isolation (to a degree) Stronger central government
C1-$400 Results S-A War Results S-A War - $400 What saying highlights the American attitude after the Spanish American War? Nations have no friends, only interests
C1-$500 Results S-A War Results S-A War - $500 What happened as a result of the Teller Amendment? US left Cuba after setting up a new government. (Europeans were mighty surprised)
C2-$100 Orient Orient - $100 Filipino insurgents fought using this method against the Americans? Guerilla warfare
C2-$200 Orient Orient - $200 After Japan defeated China (Sino-Japanese War, ) Europeans did this to China? Established economic spheres of influence
C2-$300 Orient Orient - $300 This small island south of Japan became a US protectorate after the S-A War? Guam
C2-$400 Orient Orient - $400 After the defeat of the Boxers, the Chinese were charged $333. This money is called? reparations
C2-$500 Orient Orient - $500 After the Russo-Japanese War ( ) Americans were concerned about the immigration of these people? Japanese
C3-$100 Canal Canal- $100 This Treaty gave the US exclusive rights to build an isthmian canal? Hay-Pauncefonte Treaty of 1901
C3-$200 Canal Canal - $200 When Columbia refused to allow the US to build the Canal the American government did this? Supported a Independence Revolution in Panama
C3-$300 Canal Canal - $300 This treaty allowed the Panama Canal to be built? Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treay
C3-$400 Canal Canal - $400 The Canal was opened just in time for this? WW I
C3-$500 Canal Canal - $500 A cure for this disease was found while the Canal was being built? Yellow Fever by Walter Reed
C4-$100 Potpourri Potpourri - $100 James A. Blaine –Sec. of State, said, “Latin Am. Countries should open their doors to US trade and follow the US lead. This is called? Big Sister Policy
C3-200 Potpourri Potpourri - $200 Under this Act, Puerto Rico was given a degree of self- government? Foracker Act 1900
C3-$300 Potpourri Potpourri - $300 Europeans began calling the Caribbean The Yankee Lake after this was passed? Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
C3-$400 Potpourri Potpourri - $400 T.R. personally negotiated the end of this War? Russo-Japanese War
C3-$500 Potpourri Potpourri - $500 T.R. brandished his “big stick” in California after the Calif. Legislature declared that Japanese American students had to attend special schools. The settlement is called? The Gentleman’s Agreement
C4-$100 TR TR - $100 This was T.R.’s first political office? Governor of New York
C4-$200 TR TR - $200 How did T.R. become President? William McKinley was assassinated
C4-$300 TR TR - $300 T.R.’s famous proverb was this? Speak softly but carry a big stick
C4-$400 TR TR - $400 T.R. did not respect or apply this government function? Checks and Balances
C4-$500 TR TR - $500 His plan to keep Europeans from colonizing Latin American countries is called? Roosevelt Corollary
C4-$100 Mishmash Mishmash - $100 He returned from exile to aid Filipino insurrectionists against the Spanish? Emilio Aguinaldo
C4-$200 Mishmash Mishmash - $200 After the S.A. War he was the first American Governor in the Philippines? William Howard Taft
C4-$300 Mishmash Mishmash - $300 This replaced the Teller Act and required Cuba to accept three things before they would be independent? Platt Act (Guantanamo Bay became a permanent US base, US could intervene in the event of insurrection, they could not enter into treaties with countries other than the US)
C4-$400 Mishmash Mishmash - $400 These Americans were pro big business, but anti imperialists? Stanford, Carnegie, Gompers, Clemens
C4-$500 Mishmash Mishmash - $500 This gave Puerto Ricans US citizenship in 1917? Jones Act