SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Objectives Lecture 14 Structural Design Patterns SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture To learn the structural design patterns and when to use them. Ch 8 Adapted from Software Design: From Programming to Architecture by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2003), with permission.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Introduction Structural design patterns are design patterns that ease the design by identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities. Introduction FacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 2/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Façade Design Pattern Design Purpose Provide an interface to a package of classes Design Pattern Summary Define a singleton which is the sole means for obtaining functionality from the package. Notes: the classes need not be organized as a package; more than one class may be used for the façade. 8.2 Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 3/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Facade client classes subsystem classes Façade Without Facade With Facade Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 4/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Applicability To provide simple interface to a complex subsystem, which is useful for most clients. To reduce the dependencies between the client and the subsystem, or dependencies between various subsystems. To simplify the dependencies between the layers of a subsystem by making them communicate solely through their facades. Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 5/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Consequences It shields the clients from subsystem components, thereby making the subsystem easier to use. It promotes weak coupling between subsystem and its clients. Components in a subsystems can change without affecting the clients. Porting of subsystems is easier. -- modularizes designs by hiding complexity KEY CONCEPT Facade Design Pattern Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 6/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser :Client cMethodOfFacade() singleton :Facade :C myCMethod() (return if any) Sequence Diagram for Façade Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 7/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Implementation Some classes / objects behind the Facade may be ones that never should be visible to the client, but are necessary for the operations to take place. The Facade can completely hide these by making them private inner classes to the Facade class. Comments on Façade Web services provide functionality at a web site for the benefit of external software. This is the Façade concept. Servlets are a common Java way of providing server-side Façade functionality. Introduction Facade DecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 8/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Decorator Design Pattern Design Purpose Add responsibilities to an object at runtime. Design Pattern Summary Provide for a linked list of objects, each encapsulating responsibility. 8.3 IntroductionFacade Decorator CompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 9/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Applicability To add responsibility to individual objects dynamically and transparently, that is, without affecting other objects. For responsibility that can be withdrawn. -- allows addition to and removal from objects at runtime KEY CONCEPT Key Concept: Decorator Design Pattern IntroductionFacade Decorator CompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 10/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Client objDecorated 1 Decoration doAction() Substance doAction() Component add( Component ) doAction() void doAction(){ ….. // do actions special to this decoration objDecorated.doAction(); // pass along } Decorator Class Model (Fig 8.9) IntroductionFacade Decorator CompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 11/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser :Client doAction() decoration1 :Decoration doAction() Decoration1.objDecorated :Decoration :Substance doAction() Sequence Diagram for Decorator IntroductionFacade Decorator CompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 12/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Comments on Decorator Replace the Component interface with an abstract class (if it contains useful base functionality) Decorator can be thought of as an object version of linked list. Why use Decorator when a simple Vector or component object seems to suffice? This will make the code less flexible The client will have to know about the subclasses If the subclasses are replaced then the client code would have to change. IntroductionFacade Decorator CompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 13/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Composite Design Purpose Represent a Tree of Objects Design Pattern Summary Use a Recursive Form in which the tree class aggregates and inherits from the base class for the objects. Applicability Allows the creation of a new object from existing objects. The client will see the new composite object as equivalent to the other objects used to represent trees of objects. KEY CONCEPT Key Concept: Composite Design Pattern IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 14/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser NonLeafNode “every object involved is a Component object” “non-leaf nodes have one or more components” leaf nodenon-leaf node Objects Classes Component 1..n Basis for Composite Class Model IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 15/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser etc. NonLeafNode do I t() component Component add( Component ) do I t() LeafNode do I t() TypeANonLeafNode do I t() TypeBNonLeafNode do I t() 1..n Client FOR ALL elements e in component e.do I t() Composite Class Model IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 16/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Employee Hierarchy Pete :President Able :Manager Becky :Manager Lonny :Teller Cal :Clerk Tina :Teller Thelma :Teller We need to add and remove employees at runtime and execute operations on all of them. KEY CONCEPT Design Goal : Flexibility, Correctness IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 17/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser reports 1..n Setup Employee stateName() Clerk stateName() President stateName() Supervisor add(Employee) Teller stateName() Manager stateName() Client Bank/Teller Example IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 18/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Component Container Window ….. component 1..n Canvas Composite in java.awt (Fig 8.24) Comments on Composite Decorator is a special case of Composite Decorator intention is different: add responsibilities at runtime. IntroductionFacadeDecorator Composite AdapterFlyweightProxy 19/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Adapter Design Pattern Design Purpose Allow an application to use external functionality in a retargetable manner. Design Pattern Summary Write the application against an abstract version of the external class; introduce a subclass that aggregates the external class to interface flexibly with external functionality. KEY CONCEPT Adapter Design Pattern IntroductionFacadeDecoratorComposite Adapter FlyweightProxy 20/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Client AbstractClass clientNameForRequiredMethod() { adaptee. requiredMethod();} adaptee RequiredClass requiredMethod() Adapter clientNameForRequiredMethod() Adapter Example :Client clientNameForRequiredMethod() :AbstractClass :Adapter RequiredMethod() adaptee :RequiredClass IntroductionFacadeDecoratorComposite Adapter FlyweightProxy 21/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Financial amount() Principle computeValue() Client Legacy systemAdaptationApplication We want to separate the application as a whole from financial calculations which will be performed externally. KEY CONCEPT Design Goal : Flexibility and Robustness Adapter Design Pattern (Fig 8.29) FinantialAdapter amount() IntroductionFacadeDecoratorComposite Adapter FlyweightProxy 22/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Flyweight Design Pattern Design Purpose Manage a large number of objects without constructing them all. Design Pattern Summary Share representatives for the objects; use context to obtain the effect of multiple instances. 8.6 Flyweight doAction(Context) ConcreteFlyweight doAction( Context ) FlyweightFactory getFlyweight(Characteristic) Client 1..n (Figure 8.33) IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapter Flyweight Proxy 23/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Comments on Flyweight Flyweight is to some extent a retreat from full object- orientation: by not treating every instance as a truly separate object, we can bring “less” object-oriented, and we do thus lose some benefits. -- to obtain the benefits of a large set of individual objects without efficiency penalties. KEY CONCEPT Flyweight Design Pattern IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapter Flyweight Proxy 24/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Proxy Design Pattern Design Purpose Avoid the unnecessary execution of expensive functionality in a manner transparent to clients. Design Pattern Summary Interpose a substitute class which accesses the expensive functionality only when required. 8.7 IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweight Proxy 25/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Adaptation BaseActiveClass expensiveMethod() anotherMethod() RealActiveClass expensiveMethod() anotherMethod() Client realActiveObject... // One way to check if really needed: if ( realActiveObject == null ) // never referenced { realActiveObject = getRealActiveObject(); realActiveObject.expensiveMethod(); } else // try to avoid calling the real expensiveMethod() Proxy expensiveMethod() anotherMethod() Instantiate with Proxy object Proxy Design Pattern IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweight Proxy 26/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser realExpensiveMethod() :Client expensiveMethod() :Proxy:RealActiveClass ( if needed: ) Sequence Diagram for Proxy -- Avoid unnecessary data downloads. -- to call expensive or remote methods. KEY CONCEPT Design Goal : Efficiency and Reuse IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweight Proxy 27/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser TelNums value: Vector getTelNums(): Vector showMiddleRecord() RemoteTelNums getTelNums() TelephoneApp display( TelNums ) display MiddleRecord() remoteTelNums... // One way to check if really needed: if ( value == null ) // never referenced remoteTelNums.getTelNums(); else // no need to call ‘getTelNums()’ TelNumsProxy getTelNums() static 1 Setup Ensures that TelephoneApp makes calls with TelNumsProxy instance Proxy Example (Figure 8.44) IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweight Proxy 28/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Comments on Proxy Proxy promotes efficiency: Avoids time-consuming operations when necessary The penalties we pay can sometimes be too high: If the proxy forces us to keep very large amount of data in the memory and its use is infrequent. Proxy promotes: Correctness: separate design and code that are independent of retrieval/efficiency from parts concerned with this issue. Reusability: design and code that are independent of retrieval efficiency are most likely to be reusable. Flexibility: we can replace one module concerned with retrieval with another Robustness: proxy isolates parts that check for the validity of retrieved data. IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweight Proxy 29/30
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser Summary of Structural Patterns Structural Design Patterns relate objects (as trees, lists etc.) Facade provides an interface to collections of objects Decorator adds to objects at runtime Composite represents trees of objects Adapter simplifies the use of external functionality Flyweight gains the advantages of using multiple instances while minimizing space penalties Proxy avoids calling expensive operations unnecessarily IntroductionFacadeDecoratorCompositeAdapterFlyweightProxy 30/30