A Check gives you proof you paid someone. It’s a bad idea to send cash in the mail – you have no proof Many banks will charge you to cash a check if you don’t have an account with them Some banks charge fees for checking, look for banks that don’t
A check is a promise to pay Jaycee writes a check to pay Jacob what she owes him for fixing her car. Jacob, takes the check to his bank, and they give him money. (Good Money Bank) Good Money Bank sends the check to First Kids bank (Jaycee’s bank) and asks for to be paid back. Kid’s bank takes the money out of Jaycee’s account and sends it to Jacob’s bank.
How to write a check Jaycee Kircher 1101 Arkansaw, WI Pay to the order of $ DOLLARS K ids Bank $$$ MEMO April Jacob Gullickson Twenty and 00/ Car repairs Jaycee Kircher
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /26/13 Jacob Gullickson 2000
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /25/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /25/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs 4/27/13 Paycheck 50000
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /25/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs 4/27/13 Paycheck
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /1/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs 4/27/13 Paycheck Bank4/28/13 Ford Motor Credit car loan
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /26/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs 4/27/13 Paycheck Bank4/28/13 Ford Motor Credit car loan 11024/28/13 EconoFoods groceries CkCd4/29/13 Carmike Cinemas movies
What is a Debit Card?
What else is a Debit Card? It can also be known as an ATM card ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine (like visiting the bank, but instead of a person (teller) there is a machine working for you. At an ATM you can get cash from your checking account – it is subtracted just like a check. Sometimes if you use an ATM that doesn’t belong to your bank – the other bank will charge you a fee to use the machine.
NumberDateTransactionWithdrawal Deposit $ /26/13 Jacob Gullickson car repairs 4/27/13 Paycheck Bank4/28/13 Ford Motor Credit car loan 11024/28/13 EconoFoods groceries CkCd4/29/13 Carmike Cinemas movies 11034/30/13 Xcel Energy electric bill
Kids Bank $$$ Durand, WI Jaycee Kircher Arkansaw, WI Account # 1234 Previous Balance $ Deposit/Credit Checks/Debits Ending Balance $ Deposits & Additions 4/27 Regular Deposit Checks & Withdrawals 4/28 Ford Motor Credit /29 Carmike Cinemas Checks in Serial Order # 4/ /
Balance per bank Statement $ minus outstanding checks #$______ #_____$______ #_____$______ total $______- plus outstanding deposits DateAmount ______ total$+ balance on check register $
Like What???? Setting Aside money for future Occurrences What is Savings?
Something you WANTThings you don’t Expect
Extra jobs Gifts A plan to save A Budget
You put $100 in a savings account, the bank pays you interest for every day they hold your money. They pay interest of 3.65% Then the bank loans, that $100 to a different customer at a higher rate. $ %1¢/day$3.65/year $ %3¢/day$10.95/year $ $3.65 = $7.30 the money the bank makes
$20, %$ /year $20, %$ 2, /year