Previously on Ruby Quest
Ruby awoke to find herself inside of a metal locker. After escaping, she finds herself in a barren room
performing some electrical repairs opens a section of the wall to reveal that the room is underwater.
She then heads down a ladder and meets Tom, who is trapped behind a wall grate.
Tom has a sculpture of random tools we need, but is unwilling to show it to Ruby, as she accidentally insults him. As an apology, she feeds him fish
After solving some puzzles, she open the way to the Z-Hatch room.
She also opens a floor hatch to trade items with Tom. With teamwork, they open up the closet in the Z- Hatch room.
The Bear Zombie inside attacks Ruby, who manages to escape far enough for Tom to sever its head.
After a little more puzzle-solving, Ruby finally frees Tom from his cell.
Tom's MANLY PHYSIQUE allows him to move a barrel,removing the water from the door in the locker room, opening the way into the monitor room.
They obtain the EYE DIAL, and then explore the Z-Hatch room once more. Tom moves the couch, revealing a secret passage that is only large enough for Ruby to fit through.
Ruby finds a severed hand in the hidden room, and sends it through a pneumatic chute for completely inexplicable reasons. The room also contains a dispenser full of an unknown purple liquid.
After some experimentation with the purple acid, blood samples, and an analyzer in the room, it is unclear as to what the analyzer does.
Testing blood from the head of the zombie is impossible, as the head seems to have disappeared. However, once this is discovered, Tom reveals that he is not feeling so hot. He begins vomiting blood.
Ruby quickly scrambles around, using the analyzer to discover that Tom had arsenic poisoning from the fish, and that she could acquire an antidote if she turned the power back on.
While running around to find a way to get the power going, Ruby finds a hook and does a pirate impression to cheer up Tom. He smiles weakly.
Eventually, Ruby gets the electricity and Tom's antidote. However, this locks her in the back room, and a strange gas filling the room from the ventilation.
Panicking, Ruby break the glass of the pneumatic chute. This helps only slightly.
She then breaks the glass of the mirrored window along the back of the room, and finds the Hound monster on the other side.
After brief scuffle, Ruby uses her mean left hook to defeat the abomination by flinging it through the glass acid dispenser and into the circuit board, but suffers a scratch to her head in the process.
The impact of the monster on the circuit board powers down the room, and Ruby flees with the antidote, running to where she left Tom.
Along the way, she begins to feel faint, but manage to make it to the Brig. Unfortunately, she find Tom is gone, and in his place is a great deal of blood.
Ruby finally loses consciousness, and everything goes black.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10
Ruby wakes up.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 Where are we? Is it a soft surface? Do we still have all our limbs and organs?
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 >Where are we? Is it a soft surface? Do we still have all our limbs and organs? Ruby appears to be in a bed. She feels mostly unhurt, but disoriented. She appears to be in one piece.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 Inventory
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 >Inventory Ruby is wearing pajamas. She is not carrying any items.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 Open the curtain. Look out window. Try to think back BEFORE we woke up in the coffin
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 >Open the curtain. The curtain is already open. >Look out window. Morning sunlight streams in through the window. It's too bright to see much with her eyes adjusted to the darkness. >Try to think back BEFORE we woke up in the coffin Ruby can't remember a coffin. Ruby knows something: This is her bedroom.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 Open Drawer
>Open Drawer There's a COPPER KEY inside. Ruby pockets the COPPER KEY.
Is Ruby able to see someone else, and if so, does she recognize them?
>Is Ruby able to see someone else, and if so, does she recognize them? TOM is here.
Say hello or otherwise try to initiate communication.
>Say hello or otherwise try to initiate communication. Ruby says hi to Tom. She wonders why Tom is in her bedroom. Tom does not respond.
check his face
>check his face Ruby gently turns Tom around to look at his face.
Check door. Also inspect inventory.
>Check door. The odd door is set into the wall, flush with its edges. It is also locked. >Also inspect inventory. Some of Ruby's items are missing. She is also holding a COPPER KEY.
inspect the circle thing on the wall. Use our big bunny ears to LISTEN to the box labeled "DO NOT OPEN". See if the door is unlocked figure out if climbing back thu broken window is safe method of leaving
>inspect the circle thing on the wall. There's a strange circular thing on the wall opposite the broken window/mirror, which looks almost like a clock. There are no hands, but there is a circular peg in the center. There are no numbers, only four odd symbols. >Use our big bunny ears to LISTEN to the box labeled "DO NOT OPEN". There's no sound coming from inside that Ruby can make out. >See if the door is unlocked The door has a small copper lock. >figure out if climbing back thu broken window is safe method of leaving The window is still too small for Ruby to fit through, and even if she could, it's lined with sharp broken plate glass.
Check wastebin thingy next to the dummy. Check sink. Anyways, fiddle with the knobs on the faucet. Check Blue Banner.
>Check wastebin thingy next to the dummy. It looks almost like a filing cabinet. There's only one drawer, but it won't open. It seems jammed, rather than locked, since there's no keyhole. >Check sink. There's a small depression on the surface, just beside the sink's basin. Otherwise the sink is unremarkable, if a bit bare. >Anyways, fiddle with the knobs on the faucet. Ruby turns the knobs, but no water comes out. Maybe it's broken. >Check Blue Banner. A large tarpaulin is stretched tightly over the wall above the window.
Tap DO NOT OPEN box. Speak to box to ask if anything is inside. open the 'do not open box' Try to RIP N TEAR scarecrow
>Tap DO NOT OPEN box. Speak to box to ask if anything is inside. The box does not respond to Ruby's provocation. >open the 'do not open box' The crate is closed tightly. Ruby will never be able to open it with her bare hands. >Try to RIP N TEAR scarecrow The post dummy is too sturdy to tear apart bare-handed.
Look under/remove banner. Inspect black window? and the little diagram next to it (besides the door)
>Look under/remove banner. The blue tarpaulin is firmly nailed to the wall, too tightly to just pull down even if Ruby COULD reach it at a comfortable angle. It's also too tight to peek under. >Inspect black window? and the little diagram next to it (besides the door) It's some sort of digital screen, but it's blank. Immediately underneath it is what appears to be a high-tech palm scanner.
use copper key on copper lock
>use copper key on copper lock The door unlocks and the key becomes predictably stuck. The door can be opened now.
Try using Ruby's hand on the palm scanner. Carefully take a piece of glass from the window (or broken lying around) and slice open and cut the dummy apart.
>Try using Ruby's hand on the palm scanner. Ruby's palm doesn't work. The machine beeps once with a very incorrect-sounding beep, and a tiny red light blinks a few times. >Carefully take a piece of glass from the window (or broken lying around) and slice open and cut the dummy apart. Ouch! The glass is too dangerously sharp to use as a tool, and the dummy's exterior is thick and padded. Ruby's skin gives way before the dummy's and she accidentally cuts her palm with the glass.
attempt to remove the nails holding the tarp by standing on the "Do Not Open" box and remove the nails with the coins
>attempt to remove the nails holding the tarp by standing on the "Do Not Open" box and remove the nails with the coins The nails aren't in all the way, so they can't be pried with the coins, but despite her strongest efforts, they still refuse to be pulled out of the wall with Ruby's bare hands.
is that a hangmans noose around the dummy's neck also is the stand bolted to the ground? Open the tray/drawer that had the hand in it.
>is that a hangmans noose around the dummy's neck It appears to be. Ruby fusses with it but can't get it untied. >also is the stand bolted to the ground? Yes. >Open the tray/drawer that had the hand in it. It's bloody, but empty.
look outside the broken window please GO THROUGH DOOR
>look outside the broken window please It's the maintenance room that Ruby was trapped in, fought something in, and was nearly poisoned with a flood of gas in. It looks the same as before. >GO THROUGH DOOR Ruby opens the door...
...this place looks familiar. The door seems to have been set into the wall in such a way as to appear hidden when closed.
Go upstairs
>Go upstairs Ruby is back in the room with the lockers.
Look at the terminal to see if there's any information on it
Inspect the buttons on the locker Ruby was originally trapped in.
>Look at the terminal to see if there's any information on it Nothing new has appeared on the console. >Inspect the buttons on the locker Ruby was originally trapped in. The buttons are all unlit and gray now. Pressing them yields no result. However, there's a familiar-looking vial inside the locker labeled "Succimer". Ruby pockets the ARSENIC ANTIDOTE.
Check other locker
>Check other locker Ruby finds her BALL OF STRING, and pockets it.
Ruby returns to the lower room, and notices that the lever on the ceiling has descended again.
Use the key and string to make a lasso.
>Use the key and string to make a lasso. Ruby doesn't have the key, it got stuck in the lock. It showed up in her inventory because SOMEONE was too careless to delete it from the display after it got used up. She certainly can't reach it like this, even standing on the heavy barrel.
Ruby Quest: Chapter 10 Use the key and string to make a lasso.