Fall 2011 TA: Elizabeth Braun CHEM
Elizabeth Braun Office Hours: – Wednesday 11:00am-12:00pm – GEM Center
Syllabus Safety Lab Set Up Workshop Assignment of Drawers
1.Non-zero integer values always count 9, Significant Figures 2. Zeros between non-zero integers always count 109, Significant Figures
3.Leading zeros never count Significant Figures 4. Trailing zeros always count in the presence of a decimal point Significant Figures
5. When using multiplication or division, the final number of significant figures is determined by the measured number with the smallest number of significant digits. Measured Values: g, g, 230 g. The result has 3 Significant Figures
6. When using addition or subtraction the final number of decimal places is determined by the measured value with the smallest number of decimal places. Measured Values: mm, mm, 15.9 mm The result has 1 significant digit after the decimal
1, Significant Figures Significant Figures x Significant Figures
r18&feature=related r18&feature=related
6.62 mL
11.5 mL
52.8 mL
Place Personal Items on Shelf Keep goggles, notebook, lab handout Drawer Assignments Safety Procedures Equipment Check-in Demonstrations