Food For Healthy Living 10
Many school kitchens look like home. Hazards in the home also apply here! Stoves, knives, small equipment, electrical appliances, kitchen cabnets, and drawers all hold the potential for injury.
Cuts Burns Scrapes Electrical shock Poisioning Choking Slips and Falls Fire
Bacteria Yeast Moulds Viruses Fungi Allergic reactions to food
Chemical substances Cleaning agents Pesticides Toxic Materials
Work quietly, efficiently, and safely Know where the fire and emergency supplies are located Share responsibility with others in your group Keep the work surfaces tidy Arrange utensils Practice good hygiene
YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS PRIOR TO STARTING THE LAB Use hot soapy water and lots of soap Wash and rinse while you sing “happy birthday” Wash the counter where you will be working before you start.
Please ensure that your hair is tied back or neat. Elastics for ladies
Baggy and loose clothing should be avoided You will cover your clothes with an apron.
Please knives in the drawer with the cutting edge down Be sure the knife handle is at the front of the drawer Always use a cutting board Choose the proper size knife and knife type for the job Always cut away from the body Wash knives one at a time, not with other tools, and put them away as soon as you are finished. Whipe knives by moving a cloth from the dull edge to the sharp edge.
Contact Mrs. Shannon immediately First Aid Kit location Accident report forms