How to catch a Leprechaun BY:Ayanna
Huh! Sorry about that I am trying to catch a leprechaun he is hard to get. The only reason I am doing this is because he stole MY GOLD and I want it BACK!!!!! P.S I have no idea how he found it in my sock drawer.
The First step to catching a leprechaun FFFFirst you need a big cake, and some gold chocolate coins and a gold latter
The second step TTTThe second step is you need to set up the latter and then tie a gold coin too the end of a string and when he comes up and after it you NEED to pull it up!
3rd step When he gets to the top of the cake he will see more gold and go and get it and when he gets is he will full into a hole!
The End That’s how you Catch a leprechaun!