Arms Race
Learning Targets Identify the parallels between the Cold War and The Butter Battle Book. Analyze The Butter Battle Book to review important concepts of the Cold War.
Which nation developed nuclear weapons first? Which nation developed the most nuclear weapons?
What was this event called? The Arms Race The race between the United States and the Soviet Union to build more powerful weapons.
Compare… We will watch the Dr. Seuss Video The Butter Battle Book. While watching: 1. Compare the video to the Cold War on your worksheet. 2. Wait to answer the last question “What do you think Dr. Seuss is saying about the Cold War?” until after we have discussed the video as a group.
Discuss Take 3-5 minutes to discuss your answers about the parallels between the video and the Cold War.
Discuss as a class. Finally, discuss and answer “What do you think Dr. Seuss is saying about the Cold War?”