The Montebation of Traxalene Traxelene is native to North and South America. It was montebated by various North American cultures for many centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Traxalene is now produced primarily in the mid-western states. During the montebation process one ouliff of traxalene is placed in the montebation chamber with a small amount of orphene. The chamber is then closed and turned on. The montebation process is noisy and smelly. The process continues until the traxalene pours over the top of the chamber and the noise subsides. Hasmet and more orphene may be added to the traxalene at this time.
What do you remember about the montebation of traxalene? How long has traxalene been used? Where is most traxalene currently produced? Describe the montebation process. What is the signal that the process is complete? What substances are added to traxalene?
What do you remember about the montebation of traxalene? How long has traxalene been used? Where is most traxalene currently produced? Describe the montebation process. What is the signal that the process is complete? What substances are added to traxalene? Traxalene has been used for many centuries, even before the arrival of Europeans. Most traxalene is currently produced in mid-western states. Traxalene is placed in a special chamber with other material, closed and turned on, which begins a noisy , smelly process that continues until the chamber overflows. The process is complete when the traxalene overflows the chamber and there is no more noise. .Orphene and hasmet are the two substances added to traxalene.
What do you remember about the montebation of traxalene? How long has traxalene been used? Where is most traxalene currently produced? Describe the montebation process. What is the signal that the process is complete? What substances are added to traxalene? Traxalene has been used for many centuries, even before the arrival of Europeans. Most traxalene is currently produced in mid-western states. Traxalene is placed in a special chamber with other material, closed and turned on, which begins a noisy , smelly process that continues until the chamber overflows. The process is complete when the traxalene overflows the chamber and there is no more noise. .Orphene and hasmet are the two substances added to traxalene.
The Popping of Popcorn Popcorn is native to North and South America. It was prepared by various North American cultures for many centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Popcorn is now produced primarily in the mid-western states. During the preparation process one serving of popcorn is placed in the preparation chamber with a small amount of butter. The chamber is then closed and turned on. The preparation process is noisy and smelly. The process continues until the popcorn pours over the top of the chamber and the noise subsides. Salt and more butter may be added to the popcorn at this time.
presumed to be in long-term memory storage. Average Retention Rate After 24 hours 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% Lecture Reading Audiovisual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Practice by Doing/Explain to Others/ Immediate Use of Learning The Learning Pyramid, devised by the NTL Institute of Alexandria VA (formerly the National Training Laboratories of Bethel, Maine), comes from studies on retention of learning after students were exposed to different teaching methods. The pyramid shows the % of new learning that students can recall after 24 hours as a result of being taught primarily by the teaching method indicated. Note: Information recalled after 24 hours is presumed to be in long-term memory storage.
The Full Option Science System is … A research-based inquiry science curriculum developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science and dedicated to improving the learning and teaching of science. Designed to meet the challenge of providing meaningful science education for all students in diverse American classrooms and to prepare them for life in the 21st century. Guided by advances in the understanding of how youngsters think and learn. The best way for students to appreciate the scientific enterprise, learn important scientific concepts, and develop the ability to think critically is to actively construct ideas through their own inquiries, investigations, and analyses. The FOSS program was created to engage students in these processes as they explore the natural world WHAT IS FOSS?
Goals of the FOSS program Scientific Literacy To provide all students with science experiences that are appropriate for their cognitive development, serve as a foundation for more advanced study in science, and prepare them for life in an increasingly complex scientific and technological world. Curriculum Integration To provide all teachers with a comprehensive program that provides many opportunities for integration of math and language arts with science. Instructional Efficiency To provide all teachers with a flexible science program that reflects current research on learning and uses effective teaching and assessment methodologies.
Equipment designed and selected for most effective learning. Middle School Modules Equipment designed and selected for most effective learning. Grade 6: Diversity of Life Human Brain and Senses Populations and Ecosystems Grade 7: Weather and Water Earth History Planetary Science Grade 8: Chemical Interactions Force and Motion Electronics Life Earth Physical
Student Resources Book for Middle School Hardcover student resource books to enhance science content Full-color images are engaging and instructional Approximately 100 pages of data, images, and readings
Student Created Notebooks Students record and organize inquiry in order to analyze data and make conclusions. Why use a science notebook? A science notebook enables children to work as scientists and keep a cumulative notebook to record their thoughts and observations about the activities in a unit. Within the context of science activities, notebooks promote the use of literacy while clarifying children’s emerging ideas and theories about science phenomena. A science notebook encourages children to make records using words and drawings in age-appropriate ways. Students are able to impose their ways of seeing and thinking about the science phenomena, constructing or reconstructing the phenomena through their own lens of experience. This not only promotes their literacy skills, but also important scientific process skills such as: Observing and describing; Making scientific drawings; Drawing to scale; and Making graphs.
Interactive CD and Website Integrated multimedia to conduct investigations not practical in the classroom Provides additional content coverage Ideal for class demos, as well as individual or small group work Specifically designed for each course Available online at and 5 CDs are included in the kit
Middle School Assessment FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT—Students and teachers monitor student progress continually throughout the curriculum. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT tools and strategies a. Teacher observation, formal and informal b. Student sheets c. Quick writes d. Response sheets e. Self-assessment
Middle School Assessment SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT—Students demonstrate learning with regard to the three assessment variables. Content Knowledge Conducting Investigations SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT tools and strategies a. Mid-summative exams b. Final summative exam Building Explanations
I tried to teach my child with books He gave me only puzzled looks I tried to teach my child with words They passed him by oft unheard Despairingly I turned aside “How shall I teach this child,” I cried Into my hand he put the key “Come,” he said. “Play with me” Author unknown